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Wednesday, August 28, 2019

"How About You?" Redux

There’s long been enthusiasm for altering one particular 
line in the Lane and Freed pop classic "How About You," 
a standard list song -- specifically the line running, 
“…And Franklin Roosevelt’s looks give me a thrill…” 

Here's the original:

"I'm mad about good books, can't get my fill.
And Franklin Roosevelts’s looks give me a thrill...”

Now for several variants -- abecedarially constrained -- 
exploring what's possible:

And Agee’s wordplay books' palindrome skill…
And Brice as Baby Snooks, mischievous fille...
And croustades Julia cooks using fresh dill...
And dreck Drumpf deems "deluxe" (Pence plays Don's shill)...
And Epstein’s address books. That guy was swill…
And 'flux' phonated 'flooks' -- sonic'lly shrill...
And gents who groan "gadzooks!" (Be these guys ill...?)...
And hearths with inglenooks -- maybe a grille…
And iron grappling hooks. (SEALs know the drill.)...
And Jew's harp Konzertstücks -- last on the bill...
And Karpov’s castl’d rooks. Will he...? He will
And Lewis Carroll's nook -- salacious! (Still...)...
And Madoff, king of crooks. What's in his will...?
And news that songs have hooks I must distill...
And -oses – dextr’s 'n' fruct’s – soon make one ill…
And prayers like "Ave Crux!" bring about nil... 
And quiet overlooks --valley or hill…
And Rorschach comic books penn'd with a quill…
And Sholem Asch's schnooks ain't from Brazil... 
And tours like Captain Cook's, book'd with no frill...
And utter’d gobbl’ygooks (some with a trill)...
And Viet Nam’s Chinooks, fashion'd to kill…
And watching “Our Miss Brooks” -- Connie 'n' Phil…
And Xerxes, Persian Dux, misplaced his zill…
And Yellowknife’s Canucks -- Cedric and Jill…
And Zippy’s strip still looks drafted by Bill… 

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