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Sunday, September 8, 2019

A Duo on Don eQuivoqie


Gone the days of Honest Abe or
George who cannot tell a lie.
Dishonest Don, who's now our neighbor,
lives -- eQuivoqatin’ Guy! 

Here lies Drumpf. There lies Drumpf.
Ev’ry(frickin’)where lies Drumpf.
“C’est la guerre!” lies. “So unfair!” lies.
“Truth or dare” lies. “That's real hair!” lies.

Floral lies or Loreleis…?
No: more and more immoral lies.
Plus, quite a range of “climate-change-
does-wonders-for-our-coral” lies.

There lies Drumpf. Here lies Drumpf.
Far away and near lies Drumpf.
All we hear...? Lies. Burn-our-ear lies.
Multi-tier lies. (Lied to we’re.) Lies!

Sympathize or analyze…?
No. Made from whole-cloth flannel lies.
And soon, no doubt, he’ll be about
his “fibs-to-Senate-panel” lies.


Drumpf lies.
Some synthesize. Some stylize.
Drumpf lies.
Some bowdlerize. Some fantasize.
Some bastardize. Some plagiarize.
Some outsize. Some accessorize.
Some upsize. Some hyperbolize.
Drumpf lies.

Drumpf lies.
Drumpf lies with brash audacity.
Drumpf lies.
Drumpf’s fraud’s of vast capacity.
What Drumpf terms perspicacity
the demos deems mendacity.
The truth..? Drumpf lacks veracity.
Drumpf lies.

Drumpf lies.
Drumpf lies about his hands’ small size.
Drumpf lies.
Drumpf global climate change denies.
Drumpf libels ocean level’s rise.
Pinocchio’s with whom Drumpf vies.
“The media’s fake news,” Drumpf cries.
Drumpf lies.

Drumpf lies.
Drumpf hones his Jones for border walls.
Drumpf lies.
For Mexico to pay Drumpf calls.
As GOP’s agenda stalls,
down Drumpf’s approval number falls.
But what’s Drumpf done that most appalls…?
Drumpf lies.

Drumpf lies,
as from the stump Drumpf rolls his eyes.
Drumpf lies
as allies plump for Drumpf’s demise.
On teleprompters Drumpf relies.
Drumpf asks not “Who?”s or “What?”s or “Why?”s.
The Alt-right Drumpf now deifies.
Drumpf lies.

Drumpf lies.
Drumpf tweets, “Mendacity...? NOT! Mirth.”
Drumpf lies.
Drumpf’s lengthy ties can’t guise Drumpf’s girth.
Drumpf’s lies impugn Obama’s birth.
Drumpf’s evidence…? Drumpf cites a dearth.
Drumpf channels William Randolph Hearth.
Drumpf lies.

Drumpf lies.
Drumpf’s fictions come as no surprise.
Drumpf lies
as ‘round on Air Force One Drumpf flies.
Drumpf shuns “consent.” Drumpf ducks “advise.”
Hyperbole Drumpf reifies
Asked “When begin your long goodbyes…?”
Drumpf lies.

Drumpf lies
as Drumpf Obama’s bridges burns.
Drumpf lies
as Drumpf the world’s aversion earns.
Each day we learn Drumpf never learns.
For fib-free facts the public yearns.
And what about Drumpf’s tax returns…?
Drumpf lies.

Drumpf lies.
That skullet Drumpf calls hair Drumpf dies.
Drumpf lies.
Drumpf’s crowd size video belies.
Drumpf’s boys…?
Chew toys for Russian spies.
They say with Russia Drumpf forged ties.
Who’ll prove with Russkys Drumpf allies…?
Drumpf lies.

Drumpf lies.
Untruths are just Drumpf’s stock in trade.
Drumpf lies,
though Drumpf’s tall tales are now so-o-o play’d.
If only Drumpf’s elan would fade.
(How, meanwhile, IS Drumpf’s hair arrayed…?
Is pomade sprayed…? Or Marmalade…?
Drumpf lies.)

Drumpf lies.
Drumpf’s quick to Congressfolk chastise.
Drumpf lies.
Free speech Drumpf plans to crim’nalize.
Drumpf’s moue is much like Captain Bligh’s.
Drumpf’s view of science…? Not Bill Nye’s.
Our freedoms Drumpf will jeopardize.
Drumpf lies.

Drumpf lies.
On white supremacy Drumpf ran.
Drumpf lies.
Drumpf spite…? His Muslim travel ban.
Drumpf’s Cabinet’s white, to a man.
(Well, sev’ral gals, but wan, not tan.)
Drumpf lies, ‘twould seem, because Drumpf can.
Drumpf lies.

Drumpf lies.
Drumpf briefings fails to analyze.
Drumpf lies.
Drump’s double dealings take the prize.
Drumpf cherishes blonde cutie pies.
Drumpf labels ‘em “Drumpf’s Loreleis.”
Drumpf grabs ‘em well above their thighs.
Drumpf lies.

Drumpf lies.
Drumpf’s loathe to learn. Drumpf’s quick to bore.
Drumpf lies.
Drumpf’s failed to grasp what facts are for.
Drumpf’s “fact-alternatives”…? Drumpflore.
“I’ll always tell the truth,” Drumpf swore.
But Drumpf’s a disinforming whore.
Who lies.

Drumpf lies.
Drumpf U’s degrees scant knowledge buys.
Drumpf lies.
With racist bait Drumpf’s base Drumpf plies.
From ver’similitude Drumpf shies.
Drumpf bears false witness to the skies.
We’ve looked into Drumpf’s lyin’ eyes:
Drumpf lies.

Drumpf lies.
Drumpf’s forgeries are to a fault.
Drumpf lies.
The truth…? Drumpf keeps that “in the vault.”
Drumpf fools around with debt default,
brings regulation to a halt.
(Drumpf does abstain from barleymalt…
but lies.)

Drumpf lies.
Drumpf tweets, “Whose fault…? Masala chai’s.”
Drumpf lies.
“Whose fault? Those seven samurais’.”
“Whose fault…? The constant number pi’s.”
“Whose fault…? Diana’s (Princess Di’s).”
Whose fault…? It’s always other guys.’
Drumpf lies.

Drumpf lies.
Drumpf’s family…? Poster kids for greed.
Drumpf lies,
and spreads Drumpf's lies with campaign screed.
Drumpf chants, “Drumpf hits the ground at speed.”
Drumpf rants, “Drumpf’s all you need to heed.”
(Has Drumpf the skill to even read…?)
Drumpf lies.

Drumpf lies.
Drumpf Steaks who but a loser buys…?
Drumpf lies.
The gals who sew Drumpf’s hats are Thais.
A vote for Drumpf’s at best unwise.
Drumpf lets the ship of state capsize
while building Drumpf Schweiz.
Drumpf lies.

Drumpf lies.
America made great again…?
Drumpf lies.
It’s great for weathy old white men.
Our laws be damned: Drumpf owns a pen –
a Drumpf Pen, five will get you ten.
Drumpf claims it’s U.S.-made…but, then,
Drumpf lies.

Drumpf lies.
As Drumpf to Mar-a-Lago hies
Drumpf lies.
It’s not enough to Drumpf despise:
Impeachment calls are on the rise.
(Of course, we hope that Drumpf just dies:
The words we long to see…? “Here Lies…
Drumpf’s Lies.”

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