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Saturday, September 7, 2019

Speakin' Greek?

Alpha Bubbe Gramma Delta
Handa Poka Sansa Joka.
Theda Bara Canna Leada
Lambda Slaughta Widda Choka.
Mara Nayda Seida Badga,
Fella: Mayka Playta Sh’warma.
Oprah Weda Protazoa:
Soona Layta Cumda Karma.

Loose translation:

Our head-of-kosher-household grandmother ("Grandma") 
deals us a game of five-card stud without including a joker.
One silent cinema star couldn't successfully direct the least- 
experienced wannabe, even using a decorative necklace.
If you'll marinade a large portion of badger meat, my friend,
you'll be able to prepare one of our favorite grill delicacies.
TV's Winfrey has gone and married a worm of a fellow. Later 
(or sooner…?) such foolishness is sure to catch up with her.

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