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Thursday, September 19, 2019

Trump On the Stump

We know, we know: he's always on the stump. But cast your mind back to early in 2016 when he was 
having at it -- this as you now realize how we all should have paid much, much more attention.

"I'm Donald Trump! Out on the stump, I hear folks trumpet: 'DON-ALD TRUMP !'
Their cheerin' pumps up Donald Trump. My pitch…? “I'm rich!  I'm Donald Trump!"
"In Iowa, The Donald’s slumpin.' Second place, though, ain't no thumpin.'
Still, for Scott I'll not be plumpin.'" (Later, Walker helps get Trump in.)
"I cherish strumpets: wed me three!* And crumpets, 'cuz I'm Trump, love me.”
(No liar, Trump: he loves to hump! But don't "Har-r-r-rump'!" He’s Donald Trump.)

     * The Eve to Trump…? Ivana Trump. A short-term Trump was Marla Trump.
The current Trump...? Melania Trump. (Nor not one bride of Trump's a frump!)

"I'm Donald Trump! I love my hair, that scrumptious clump I wear up there.
My thinnin' "sumpthin'" makes some stare. Still, I'm no chump: I'm Donald Trump!"
"I love the Jews: my daughter's one. I'm Netanyahu's unsung son.
And when I can I'll bomb Iran. No Forrest Gump: I'm Donald Trump!"
"I love my spicks. (They're rapists, pricks!) I love my blacks despite their lacks.
love my hicks. (I lo-o-o-ove their PACS -- though most are dicks and all are hacks)."

"I'm not a Lib! I'm not a Tea! I'm worth ten billion -- with a 'b'!
The GOP…? They're piss’d at me. Their queues I jump! I'm Donald Trump!"
"I'll build a wall -- muy mucho tall -- to nix the spicks. Nor is that all:
I'll get those spicks to buy its bricks. Fuck Forrest Gump! I'm Donald Trump!"
"I hate McCain: he lost his plane! No hero, John!" (The Don moves on!)
"I diss'd Rick P ‘cuz he diss'd me. Don't on me dump: I'm Donald Trump!"

"That Huffington: she's such a bitch! With NBC I've hit a glitch.
Plus, have you heard…? I'm very rich! When I say 'Jump!' all heed the Trump!"
"I Lindsey diss’d: he got me piss’d. What say we phone that little cyst…?
His phone's unlisted -- or it was... Is Trump too blunt…? Just lump it, cuz... 
...I'm lewd; I'm crude; I’m oozing 'tude! Jeb Bush…? He's weak! (My mind I speak.)
Him and his bro both love my dough. Want Donald's bump…? Don't dump on Trump!" 

"I'm Donald Trump! Yeah...Donald Trump! My niche…? Tres riche! (But hold the quiche.)
I pillory Bill’s Hillary: her job at State…? Eleventh-rate!"
"Ted Cruz…? Big snooze! Rand Paul's sans balls! That Hammerkraut: What's he about…?
Remember Mitt…? Prov'd not worth shit! Dick Nixon…? Dim! Who thinks of him…?"
"Mike Huckabee: don't fuck with me!" No one's as wonderful as he,
the Donald Trump! (Out on the stump, just hear folks trumpet: 'Heil, Herr Trump!'")

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