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Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Z Doesn't Always Go Straight Home: Another Spree For Agee

     Imagine each of the nonsense verses appearing below
 paired with a complementary image, and the full set -- 
thirty text/image pairs -- arrayed on the multiple leaves 
of an accordion-fold booklet (or perhaps a series of 
booklets), the edges of any three adjacent pages of 
which resemble nothing more nor less than the very 
letter -- Z -- which the entire doggerel ensemble is 
busy relentlessly celebrating.

Z goes along. "'Tis its
'get-along' must. A tried 
goin' against the grain 
once: 'twas a bust.” Now, as 
Z goes about, must A 
opt to adjust...?) 

Z goes all in. "BT- 
X-A I’ll buy. If one'd 
live like an ampersand, 
must one not try...?” (A's so-o-o-o 
hopin' Z’s efforts do 
not go awry.)

Z's goin' ape, or so 
W claims: "All texts 
Z sinks its hooks into 
go up in flamesUnless 
Z goes away..." (But e-
nough with word games.)

Z goes behind B's con-
servat'ry shed. “If B's 
gard'ners catch sight of me, 
I’m good as dead.” (“'Tis well 
known Z goes both ways,” some
straight letter said.)

Z goes for broke, bettin' 
all of its dough. “I’ve just 
gotta go big. 'Tis the 
sole way to go.” (B’d ba-
nanas go, if big bucks 
Z'd bleedin' blow.)

goes berserk -- nor it'
not a nice sight. (Goin' 
Bodmin or bonkers is
never alright...although
B claims, "Tis better than
bein' uptight.")

"Clang" goes the toll, causin' 
to go crazyits 
neurons a-spin and its 
vision a haze. ("Z goes 
home," scribbles Jon. "Let not 
limn him lazy.") 

Z goes d
own (Moe says) where 
no glyph's yet been. (Z's not 
down by the riverside --
Yangtze or Seine: Z'd soon 
drown.) Z goes down for the 

Early, and
goes in the draftas it 
seems like E's teams are a
tad understaff'd. And that 
extra mile Z goes...? Both
D and E laugh'd.

Goin' for
gold, Z goes 
further than most. Z's seen 
goin' Full Monty by
F. (Z's reposte…?) Z goes 
fishin' instead of a-

Z's goin'
grey, or, as 
G terms it, 'fawn.' Z goes 
gunnin' for all who would
mock. (Would you, Jon...?) Z's re-
tainin' the law firm of 
Goe, Wynn & Gonne.

Z hand-in-hand goes, with 
"Mademoiselle," although 
rarely straight home, as some 
storybooks tell. (Keep this 
up, Z, and H might pen
Z Goes to Hell.) 

Sure, Z goes in for the 
wag's repertoireE,g., 
here's one Z tells: "Seems that 
one day an R, with a 
priest and a rabbi, goes
into a bar..."

Z goes to jail, goes di-
rectly to jail -- no "pass 
Go," no "twin Benjamins."
Ditto no bail. J goes, 
too, just for fun. (Neither
letter's for sale.)

Z goes kaput. A pre-
limin'ry heat ends with 
Z concuss'd -- crush'd in his 
GoKart's front seat. Z'll go 
kickin' 'n' screamin' to... 
(Where's the next meet...?)

goes a-knockin,' though
not to Z's told. Cautions 
K: "Do not enter here."
(K's so-o-o-o the scold.) If Z 
goes for the kill, K will 
never g(r)o(w) old.

Hearin' the quarterback's 
"Hut one...hut two..."Z goes 
long, like A-team wide re-
ceivers should do. (Z goes 
limp once Z's sack'd, as Z 
always is, nu...?)

"Goin' my way...?" asks The 
Wanderin' as that 
letter goes marchin' to 
drums only you and Q 
hear. "Z's gone missin'...? Oy!:
What can I do...?"

Z's goin' nuts. "Goin' 
nuclear," U desig-
nates it. Who seconds that...?
L. Likewise Q. "Like the 
nest of the cuckoo which 
over U flew."

Z's goin' off like some 
fireworks display. 'Tis a 
Fourth of July frenzy
Z goes on, eh...? To the 
dark side Z's gone over,
to M's dismay.

Z's goin'
public: "I 
know where the bodies be 
buried, those plots where they're 
plopp'd 'neath the sod -- P's, N's...
O's chassis, too." Yet Z 
trills "-dee-dah, lah-dee-"s.

Z's goin' paperless
"I'll go so greenU'll see 
pea, pear, pistachio, 
aquamarine..." (When Z 
goes, Z goes pro -- as in

Z's goin' postal. Z's
fete (accompligives
whole 'nother meaning to
'dead letter.' T is the 
c(h)ap which relates "I go 
Pogo"...not Z.

Quietly Z goes, on 
lower-case feet. All dis-
turbing Z's hush S shall
shush: "Ple-e-e-ease: 'Discrete' be the 
watchword. Don't make me (don't
make me) repeat!"

Z's goin' rogue, a move
Palin might push. Says she, 
"Pull a McCain, Mister,
not a George Bush." (T's so 
hoping Z won't end up
flat on its tush.)

Go Set a Watchman Z
goes at with zest. "Watchman's 
good -- tho' that Mockingbird 
one's still her best. It would 
go down a treat if the
pair coalesced." 

o tell it, 'top o' that 
mountain: 'Behold: Z shall 
not go to sleep till Aunt
Rhody be told.'" (Z's gone 
soft. Has been since he turn'd
sev-...'ral years old.)

Z's goin' under, not 
smilin' but frownin.' Says 
Z, "Just like Stevie*: not
wavin' but drownin.'" (Z's 
"go"in's on show Z likes 
'verb'in' o'er 'noun'in.')

     * Poet Stevie Smith famously 
ended a poem with something 
resembling this line.

"Z's goin' viral," says 
Phi Gamma Pi. "Gamma's 
"Go with the flow''s been Z's
rallying cry." (When Greek 
geeks speak of flow, Z's the
flower, not I.)

"Go ___(X)___, young man"'s like Y's
"Go your own way -- that or 
"Go Z! (Fan tutte)!" So 
says Wolfgang A. (Z will, 
fin'lly, go home, only
just not today.)

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(Verses and images to come:  a work in progress.) HAMPDEN  DAMP HEN DAPHNE M.  MEAN PHD DAPH 'N’ ME  H, P, M AND E    …AND HEMP  Bandid...