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Monday, November 11, 2019

Shakespeare's Sonnets

Shakespeare's sonnets...? 
William wrote one hundred fifty four.
Shakespeare soon hits
each aesthetic target -- that and more.   
Shakespeare's 'sonics'...?
Sometimes sub'd for 'sonnets' heretofore. 
Shakespeare's son...? It's 
Hamnet, is it not...? (Bill's boy's a bore.)
'Soon hits,' 
'son...? It's,' 
Bill, you're so-o-o-o-o the whore!

Shakespeare's sonnets...?

De rigueur in Avon, Bath and Reading. 
Shakespeare's so nuts 
he bequeath's his wife substandard bedding.
Shakespeare's suin' Nats 
third baseman Noll, a trial Jake's dreading.
Shakespeare's sane. It's 
Pound who's nuts. (D'you see where this is heading...?)
'So nuts,' 
'suin' Nats,' 
'sane. It's,' 
White-coat men: Get netting!  

Shakespeare's sonnets 

celebrate the girl of Willie's dreams.
Shakespeare's Senate's 
chockablock with Caesarcides, it seems.
Shakespeare's sand gnats
fill his flat; with stinging flies it teems.
Shakespeare's sea nets
mahi-mahi, carp and gilt-head breams.
'sand gnats,' 
'sea nets,' 
Which unknowns...? Which memes...?

Shakespeare's sonnets

so impress'd the poet's maw and paw.
Shakespeare's sign outs-
ide his house: "Kings...? Not above the law." 
Shakespeare's sun hats...? 
Made in Myanmar -- braided hemp or straw.
(Shakespeare's Sioux...? Not s-
een in any play of Will's. Search Shaw.)* 
'Sign outs-,' 
'sun hats...?.' 
'Sioux...? Not s-,' 
Some stick in my craw.

Shakespeare's sonnets

fill up fourteen lines aka parts.
Shakespeare's song hits...?
"Me, Oh, My Ophelia" climb'd the charts.
Shakespeare's sanit-
ary napkin play no critic hearts.
Shakespeare's sin etc-
etera…? The Bard's tempestuous farts.
'Song hits,' 
'sin etc-,' 
Will's back where he starts.

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(Verses and images to come:  a work in progress.) HAMPDEN  DAMP HEN DAPHNE M.  MEAN PHD DAPH 'N’ ME  H, P, M AND E    …AND HEMP  Bandid...