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Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Donald Digs Dictatoheads

Impeachment Day, 12/18/19

I’m “Oh My God!” for you, Assad, though Adolf’s still my boy.
Signor’ Benito…? Neat! Though cats call’d Castro never cloy.
(Ceausescu…? You I’d rescue. Sure: my minions I’d deploy.)

I dig Duterte’s dastardlys and Erdogan’s eclat.
Francisco faded wa-a-a-a-ay to soon. I loved Gaddafi’s hat.
(I’m into hats: my hair’s a hat.) Hussein’s hat’s where it’s at.

I’m mad for Idi. Such a sweetie! Uncle Joe, as well.
The Jongs (-il, -un) and Kraprayoon: you boyos bang my bell.
Hey, Leonid! (I miss ya, kid – more since your big wall fell.)

My man Mugabe! (Hey, there, Bobby: keep Zimbabwe swingy!)
My pal Nikita’s senoritas let you grab their thingy!
The two Okellos…? Lovely fellows. (Putin…? Cute, but clingy.)

Nguyen Ai Quoc…? Hey, Doc: you rock! Say! Have you met Raul…?
Sese Seko’s on the take…? Oh, well: he’s no one’s fool.
Tafari (aka Selassie): that man’s born to rule.

The Urbans, Popes…? They weren't the dopes some made 'em out to be.
Vargas…? Win…? Good friends you’ve been – like mother’s milk to me.
Nor can I say too much today about my buddy Xi.

Yo! Yayah Kahn! Yeah, you’re “me mon.”  If you can’t do it, who…?
And Mao Zedong…? No, folks aren’t wrong: I cherish chairmen, too.
I'll so-o-o-o outdo ‘em all – and build that wall! – before I’m through! 

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