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Monday, March 23, 2020

Xmas in March

     Here are 26 winter-holiday-themed adonics drawn from text fragments associated with the season and paired to form a stanza, the lines of which deliver (via these randomly generated juxtapositions and with the occasional aid of added punctuation) a series of somewhat eccentric images not usually associated with Little Lord Jesus's natal celebration -- witness the fairly  straightforward "Eight maids a-milkin' Frosty the Snowman" and "Moon on the breast of Nine ladies dancing." Or "Car'ls bein' sung by Donder 'n' Blitzen" -- a favorite of the author. The remaining lines offer more murky visions (or more poetic ones, depending on your enthusiasm for modern poetry) but all seem provocative. What do you think?

All thro’ the house…? Not Balthazar, Gaspar.
Car’ls bein’ sung by Donder ‘n’ Blit-zen.
Eight maids a-milkin’ Frosty the Snowman.
Gift of the Maji Hopes that Saint Nichol’.
In dulce jubi Jingle bells, jingle.
Kerchief and I in Let it snow, let it!
Moon on the breast of Nine ladies dancing.
O Tannenbaum, O Peace, sleep in heaven.
Quelle est cette odeur Rudolph the red-nos’d.
Stille nacht, heilig Tots with their eyes all.
Up on the housetop Visions of sugar.
-Way in a manger ‘X’ back in ‘Xmas’.
Yule log cake (buche deZnarodzenI’pa!

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