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Sunday, July 12, 2020

You Bet! And Yet...: a Specious Surrender in 700 Shrugs or How's Such Dreck Still Chief Exec...?

     Whether McSweeney's "Horrors" list of 796 (and counting) so-called "corruptions" is used, or WaPo's lie tally (20,000+ and counting) is employed (and that's not to mention any reliance on Mary Trump's new book), the author will run no risk of running short of material for his new "You Bet/And Yet" iambic pentameter stanzas. 

oes Drumpf ignore his PDBs...? 
You bet! 
(Can't see the forests or the trees.) And yet...
this factophobe is still the presidet.*

Does Drumpf display unbridled id...? You bet!
He acts out -- like a monster kid. And yet...
this sociopath is still the presidet. 

Claims Drumpf, "Obama's Kenyan-born!"...? You bet!
(Such heresy now's grown forlorn.) And yet...
this heretic is still the presidet.

Does Drumpf fan further birther myth...? You bet!
(If press'd, I guess he'd plead the fi'th.) And yet...
this pantload POTUS still's the presidet.

Employs Drumpf fronts to take his tests...? You bet! 
Nor none those rigg'd results contests. And yet...
this charlatan is still the presidet.

Does Drumpf cry, "Mexicans...? All thugs!"...? You bet! 
Drones Don, "They're bringing sex 'n' drugs." And yet...
this slanderer is still the presidet.

Does Drumpf vow, "I will build a wall!"...? You bet! 
"Plus, Mexico'll stake wherewithall." And yet...
this fake-believer's still the presidet.

Does Drumpf deceive to dodge the draft...? You bet!
(I read that, afterwards, Drumpf laughed.) And yet...
this spurious bone spur's still presidet. 

Does Donald diss his own top docs...? You bet!
He Fauci through indictments mocks. And yet...
this saboteur is still the presidet.

Drones Drumpf, "I am The Chosen One"...? You bet!
(Though Donald's not Jehovah's son.) And yet...
this sophomaniac's still presidet.

Does Drumpf employ the sucker punch...? You bet!
(Still, wimp at heart -- so's Nancy's hunch.) And yet...
this swagger stick is still the presidet.

Are pussies grabb’d by Don de D*…? You bet!
Boasts Drumpf, “The sluts enable me.” And yet…
this s.o.D. remains the presidet.

Does Donald’s White House wax a mess…? You bet!
(Ple-e-ease: pace, Mies*-- seems less is less.) And yet…
this empty vessel's still the presidet.

Are Donald’s tweetstorms for the birds…? You bet!
Asks Drumpf, “What dude has better words.” And yet…
this narcissist persists as presidet.

Dares Drumpf religious values smirch...? You bet!
The GOP's D's megachurch. And yet...
this hypocritter's still the presidet.

Does Putin price each G.I.'s head...? You bet!
Still, nyet is all Shef Drumpf has said. And yet...
this Arnold (Benedict) still's presidet.**

Does Drumpf at golf his partners cheat...? You bet!
Much publicized is his deceit. And yet...
this bogiemeister thrives as presidet.

Does Drumpf admire the Stars 'n' Bars...? You bet!
He just ignores all Jim Crow's scars. And yet...
this South'ner's Comfort's still the presidet.

Does Drumpf dishonor John McCain...? You bet!
(I can't imagine what's Drumpf's gain.) And yet...
this base disgrace is still the presidet.

Does Drumpf draw Megyn Kelly's blood...? You bet!
He wars with the mud. And yet...
this chauvinist is still the presidet.

Does Donald ridicule the Khans...? You bet!
That anti-Muslim bent...? 'Tis Don's. And yet...
this xenophobe is still the presidet.

Does POTUS pose with taco bowls...? You bet!
A ploy to woo Hispanic souls...? And yet...
this foul fanatico still's presidet.

Does Drumpf attack Judge Curiel...? You bet!
Thus Don secures his place in hell. And yet...
this white supremacist still's presidet.
(More horror to come: a work in progress.)

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