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Friday, August 7, 2020

Baby On BOR: a Cautionary Nonsense Verse Narrative in a Nonsense Election Year

     The poet elects not to include "Baby on Boire" or "Baby on Boyer"

in his petite suite. The editors applaud his circumspection.

My infant son, Uly Poe, Jr.,*

squats atop (An)Drew Ackerman’s head.**

(An occurrence of “Baby on Bore”...?

What's the hour...? Why’s the lad not in bed…?)

     * No relation to the Oulipo is herein suggested

or implied. 

     ** Drew Ackerman, reputedly the most boring

man in the world, hosts the podcast Sleep With Me.

My young man now's abandoning Drew,

le conducteur française his new mount.

(Sacre bleu! C'est une "Baby on Bour."*

His naif please take into account.)

     * French chef d'orchestre Justin Bour.

Zounds! He’s mounted a dead Afrikaner.*

He has clamber'd up Koos de la Rey.*

(An example of “Baby on Boer...?”

Careful, cher! Don’t get carried away!)

     * Famous South African military man.

Damn! That boy's left behind ol' man Koos

for the young Danish physicist Niels.

(What we have here is "Baby on Bohr."

I can only guess how Junior feels.)


What rough beast…? Junior’s boarded its back,

as his fingers bleed, clutching its ear.

(Can it be we see “Baby on Boar”...?

That he fails to stay on's my worst fear.)


Now dismounted, he's found a new nag,

sporting gold mane 'n' tangerine skin.

(Mush! He ushers in “Baby on Boor.”

Watch out, young 'un! Who knows where it’s been...?)

"B is for 'Broken'"
chemical marker on copy paper,
digitally modified,
by Ulysses Po
e, Sr.

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