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Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Drumpf's Amygdala Dumps: Several in a Seemingly Ceaseless Series

     "I know words. I have the best words. 
But there's no better word than 'stupid.'"    
                                    -- Donald J. Drumpf

     "Donald, you're not invited to my funeral."
                                    -- John McCain

POTUS's acting White House food taster:

     "Mr. President, your Greek sandwich

has been cover'd in a twin protective casing 

of waxed paper and aluminum foil."


     "That gyro's been wrapper'd.

I like gyros that DON'T get wrapper'd."

*   *   *   *   *

FBI Director Wray:

     "Mr. President, your attempt to attach 

your name to the legendary LA nightspot has been 

thwarted by a counter offer from a certain

African-American Marxist organization."

     "That Ciro's has been Panther'd.

I like Ciro's that DON'T get Panther'd."

*   *   *   *   *

Head of the Air and Space Museum:
     "Mr. President, your vintage Japanese 

warplane has been bulldozed following 

foreclosure by Deutsche Bank.  

     "That Zero’s been tractor'd.

I like Zeros that DON'T get tractor'd.

*   *   *   *   *

Director of the Kennedy Center:
     "Mr. President, your youngest son, 

Barron, has cover'd your acting White House 

mime in shaving cream." 

     "That Pierrot’s been lather'd.

I like Pierrots that DON'T get lather'd."

*   *   *   *   *

Fox’s Sean Hannity:

     “Mr. President, your pal Judge Jeanine

has been found mentally deranged and has

would up in a New York State booby hatch.”


     “That Pirro’s been hatcher’d.

I like Pirros that DON’T get hatcher’d.”

*   *   *   *   *

 White House portrait curator:

     “Mr. President, your autographed photo of

former VP Agnew has mysteriously disappeared

from the corridor outside the men’s room.”


     “That Spiro’s been scratcher’d.

I like Spiros that DON’T get scratcher’d.” 

*   *   *   *   *

VP Pence:
     "Mr. President, your painting 

by Señor i Ferra has been mutilated

by Lafayette Park anarchists."

     "That Miro's been fractur'd.

I like Miros that DON'T get fractur'd." 

*   *   *   *   * 
First Lady Melania:
     "Mr. President, your bust of the famed 

Roman emperor has been reconstituted into 

this sculpture of a former British PM." 

     "That Nero's been Thatcher'd.

I like Neros that DON'T get Thather'd."

*   *   *   *   *

White House Chef: 
     "Mr. President, your footlong 

submarine sandwich has risen into the clouds 

and met The Lord in the air."

"That hero's been raptur'd

I like heroes that DON'T get raptur'd." 

*   *   *   *   *

Secy. of State Pompeo:
      "Mr. President, the Japanese city of

Hiroshima has been completely destroy'd

by a giant rampaging Dromaeosaurus."

     "That Hiro's been raptor'd.

I like Hiro's that DON'T get raptor'd."

"I like heros that don't get raptur'd!"
graphite pencil on copy paper,
digitally modified,
by Uly Poe

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