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Sunday, December 13, 2020

Repost: Judy-Su-Do-Ku

     (Pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty...) 

Su-Do-Ku! Su-Do-Ku!
Pseudo…? No. That’s s-o-o-o untrue!
Su-Do-Ku: all-new, a coup
(A-hoo! A-hoo-hoo!)
True, people choose to Su...Nu…
(Few refuse to Su-Do-Ku.)

Zoot suits Su. Sioux Jews Su.
Fu Manchu and Toto, too,
Su-Do-Ku. Let's Su-Do too 
(a-hoo), we two (a-hoo-hoo).
Cool dudes enthuse to Su...
forgo a cruise to Su-Do-Ku.

"So I Su! So me sue,"
broods Jude. "Who'd be you to 'pooh'…?
So, soak you! I pursue Su-Do-Ku -- 
I do (a-hoo-hoo).
All through our zoos gnus 'Su,' 
pay beaucoup dues to Su-Do-Ku."

Su-Do-Ku's apercus…?
Arithmetic! Eremetic! Whoop-de-doo!
Zut! Doh! Whew! Let's Su-Do-Ku 
(a-hoo), let's do (a-hoo-hoo).
Nope, 'taint no news Jude Sus: 
any excuse to Su-Do-Ku.

Su-Do-Ku! Su-Do-Ku!
Dr. Who Sus, Passepartout Sus, Baby Roo…
Su-Do-Kus. Let's Su-Do too 
(a-hoo). Who knew (a-hoo-hoo)…?
You got dem blues…? Eschew dem brews! 
Refuse dat booze! Youse gotta Su-Do-Ku!

Who knew yours true'ld Su-Do, too!
Alphabetic…? Nope...yet thetic! Su-Do-Ku!
Su-Do-Ku…? We'll Su a du'! 
I'm through (a-hoo-hoo).
But, 'fore I overdo, and croon "adieu!" 
(T'who…? Sue d'O'Koo…?)...

     ...I'll cope with losers' moues,
enduring pseudo-Su-Do-Kus...
     ...we've nowt but fear to lose:
just don't abuse our Su-Do-Kus… youse Hebrews or Druze,
just form two queues for Su-Do-Kus…
     …put on those blue suede shoes
and lose those Charleston Chews…
     …peruse those bloodless coups,
the ooze of cordon bleus
     …eschew les pas de deuxs,
pass through new peer reviews…
     …taboos and deja vus...
     …of Su-Do-Kus...

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(Verses and images to come:  a work in progress.) HAMPDEN  DAMP HEN DAPHNE M.  MEAN PHD DAPH 'N’ ME  H, P, M AND E    …AND HEMP  Bandid...