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Sunday, January 24, 2021

Stuff & Nonsense (Olim Fake News)

     Is it true that
the young North Korean
recently filmed defecting to the South
was named Ho Li Cao…?
     Is it true that
“Elvis Lives!” = Permanent Presley…?
     Is it true that
a sign recently appeared
above a basket of free bread outside 
a Bombay bakery which read:
“Have a loaf! It’s better than naan”…?
     Is it true that 
who takes to her bed
with some ST disease
so’s to not help me bang out
my new vocalise
is my Muse, while I cry,
“I’d so hoped, if ‘twould please,
you’d have sung me new tunes
using only black keys”...?
     Is it true that 
translation etcet'ra sets tasks Herculean --
e.g., "raison 'wet'reain’t "reason for peein'"...?  
Which conjunction does
grammeteorologic favor more…? 
Is it an 'and' or is it an 'and/or'…?
(Or is it only 'or'…?)

Friday, January 22, 2021

'Matters' Matters: A Rhyme

Black lives matter...? 'Deed they do!
Jack knives matter. (Bread knives, too.)
Green chives matter, as do blue.
Clean rives matter: pass right through.
Tight shives matter, should one brew.
Night drives matter, would one woo.

Endives matter. (That you knew.) 
Ten fives matter. (Bad luck due...?)
Charles Ives matters, listen'd to. 
Arles chives matter. (Misted, nu...?)
Ogives matter. (Move your pew!) 
“No Jive!” matters. True Blue (who....?)

Deep dives matter: name your crew.  
(Bleep!) swives matter. Shame on you!
Pull’d skives matter: ones off ewe. 
Full hives matter: honey's dew.
Alewives matter. Odor...? Whew! 
All lives matter! Deja vu.)

     * Verses can be personified by 
replacing 'Lou' with any of a range of 
other one-syllable given names, e.g., 
Drew, Sue, Fu, Pru, Stu and so forth.

Thursday, January 21, 2021

Mr. POTUS Departs: A Timely Repost

Trump glowers. And glowers.
For hours and hours. And hours.
Fasces foul Trump scours.
(This lad ain’t Adenauer’s.)
Trump then (and how!) and now errs
in plying POTUS powers.
Trump shouts, “Trump never cowers!”
But, fin’lly, Trump’s Tao sours.
The People cry, “Enowers!
That Hun’s no son of ours.”
Trump splits. Trump hits the showers.
The GOP sends flowers.
And Trump no longer towers.

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

May The Monster...? Six Wishes For The Future Made Partially In The Form Of An Eye Rhyme

May the Monster Ball Tour’s Lady Gaga
mime Macbeth, Act II: “Is this a dagga…?”!
May Mick (Rolling Stone) Jagger, a jogga,
water cacti, some barr'l-shaped Bisnaga!
May Husseini (the Khan we call Agha)
grow organic’lly (Groan!) rutabaga!
May no frat boys spill Heineken Laga
at no Nu Pi fraternity kegga!
May an Abhogi Kanada raga
be sitar'd during rallies named MAGA!
May this hagiographical saga
magnify Aloysius Gonzaga!

Sestina Destiny: Uly's To'n'frolaly On 'What Next...?'

     A wolaly is a Poe-own'd poetic device, one deploying the elements of a word ladder in numerical order as final words in the lines of a stanza in numerical order. A to'n'frolaly is a longer version of the same form, one which deploys those elements first in forward order then in reverse order. In a to'n'frolaly, the last word of the first line is identical to the last word of the final line. It's a "there and back again" sorta deal.

"What's real...? Compared to what...?
(D'you think we need to chat...?
Says I, 'Good luck with that!
Our tête-à-tête's no teat.
Let's sip our spirits neat
while wondering, "What's next...?"')"

I penn'd one six-line text
while furbishing my tent.
When finish'd, 'twill be sent
back home to take its seat
near 'toons where sour souls spat,
nigh toilets where they shat.

Kept real...? Compared to what...?

Monday, January 11, 2021

DodecaDons or Index Of Cads, Set One

The SmiloDon

The KarlMalDon

The MastaDon

The PoseiDon

The LarDon
aka The HeDon

The TenDon
aka The ConDon

The MyrmiDon
aka The PhillipOfMaceDon

The BoustropheDon

The CorDon

The BombarDon

The ArmagedDon 

The LonDon
aka The WimbleDon

     Dons awaiting illustration: 
The AveDon 
The RaDon 
The AbingDon 
The TweedleDon
The IguanoDon 
The WTFHaveYouDon 
The RobinEarlOfHuntingDon 
The PteranoDon 
The GungaDon 
The MyWorkHereIsDon 
The MelancholyDon 
The FlashGorDon 

The Franz Joseph HayDon
The IreneDon
The OdilonReDon 
The RiverJorDon
The Tyre&SiDon 
The AbbaDon
The RigauDon 
The BaDon-BaDon
The Seduced&AbanDon
The SelfParDon 
The AndQuietFlowsTheDon

Friday, January 8, 2021

Nyx Nixes Nox

One Friday in Sept., 
Mr. Poe went to bed in his clothes.
But this soul rarely slept, 
making do with one haphazard doze.
He'd forgotten, no doubt, 
to slip out of his semi-brogue shoes.
(Had he done so, at worst 
he'd hav'd managed to, fitfully, snooze.)

"I'm too drain'd to disrobe, 
to drop trou, to get fully undress'd --
to but take off this button-down shirt. 
Yet I do need my rest.
If perhaps I start slowly -- 
say, doffing my milit'ry cap -- 
then might Itzpapalotl* 
kowtow -- and allow me a nap...?"

     * Aztec goddess of the stars

One Friday in Sept.,
Uly Poe went to bed in his clothes.
Next morning he wept
as he rued the decision he chose.
"Elsewhere, I might dare 
to get shut of those earmuffs I got
in my stocking last Christmas.
But here in Cape Fear...? I fear not."

(One advantage of earmuffs:
they Saturday morn's ruckus muffle.
Neighbors running young Russells,
the garbage men's recycling scuffle,
all fail to arouse, 
notwithstanding one lies fully dress'd.
Which bodes well -- as, unrested,
one's gestes might just lead to arrest.

On Friday in Sept.,
if a poet's in bed in his clothes...

(More to come: a work in progress)

Thursday, January 7, 2021

Black Lives Patres: A Call For Activists, Masculine-Type, With A Nod To Their Respective Raven Regalia

Fannie Lou. Parks (Rosa), too.
We lack not Black Lives Matres.
So: where be bros...? We need, Lord knows,
some active Black Live Patres...? 

To save poor Hutu, Bishop Tutu
wields a Black Lives Mitre
to poke the pates of folk he hates
while crying, "Take that, blighter!"

The actor Sidney Poitier 
employs a Black Lives Meter
to trace the rates at which his mates
fund Afrocentric the'ter.

Chef Grant (Jerome when he's at home)
employs a Black Lives Mortar
to grind each herb in his superb
stuff'd trout. (I'm a supporter.)

Track-and-field star Jesse Owens
was a Black Lives Mudder.
'Twas not his bane to trot in rain.
(Imagine mud: you'll shudder.)

To oft enthrall us, Bubba Wallace
drives a Black Lives Motor.
No stars 'n' bars grace Bubba's cars:
Bubb ain't no Drumpf promotor.

Police destroy'd George Perry Floyd. 
Another Black Lives Martyr.
What's to be done...? Can anyone
spell 'Justice,' for a starter...?

Make trouble good, John Lewis would.
Was John a Black Lives "Merde!"er...?
I'm thinking not. John's people taught
him well: "John didn't dare ter."

Are Walmart greeters Black Lives Meeters...?
Difficult to tell.
But ev'ry Black Lives Murder trigger man
belongs in hell.

Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Look Who's Watching!

It once was call’d the USA.
Its polis…? All-American!
But that, ex-pat, was yesterday.
It's now call'd
 Upper Handustan.
The tyrant there’s a billionaire,
an autocratic gooberman
who swears allegiance 
to the Con-
stitution...NOT! (Because he can,
he swears allegiance to the ban-
derole of Upper Handustan.)

Sunday, January 3, 2021

Ballade Of A Black Lives Mater or Pieces Of A Meme

She's to the Black Lives Matter born.
She's scaled the Black Lives Matterhorn.
This Black Lives Batting-Caged Bird sings,
and I know why: she's seen some things.

White physicists dark matter probe,
though such stuff foils one's frontal lobe.
Were they with Black Lives matter faced,
her civil rights she'd see erased.

Like Carroll's Mad (Lives) Hatter, she
(not Anul Chandra Chatterjee)
deploys some Black Lives patter. (Me...?
I feel her spiel's too chattery.)

But, fans: needs answering my bladder.
Yet I, too, cry "Black Lives Matter."
If you don't, I scorn "pro rata":
with ya'll whatsa (Black Lives) matta...?

Putting The Con Back In Congress

SCOTUS-stuffer Mitch McConnell 
will more damage do than Don'll,
jackin' Joe's agenda. Goniff
be the Senate's Mitch McConniff! 
Lone Star State congressman Louie B. Gohmert:
far dimmer than Fibber McGee with his "Oh...Myrt...?"
If only the Mafia's honor'd omertà
were practiced by congressman Louie Gohmertà. 


Saturday, January 2, 2021

Señor Sid O’Zinn’s Seventh Voyage ‘Round Archaedian Acres Retirement Village (Another Gashlycrumb Sequel)

A’s for Alexis. Lord knows what her sex is!
B is for Bryan. His budg'rigar's dyin.’
C is for Claude. Claude’s complexion is flaw’d.
D is for Don. Jogs with not a stitch on.
E’s for Edwina. (Don serv'd her subpoena.)
F is for Fritz. Keep your distance: Fritz spits.
G is for Gil. He's (quote): "Under the hill."
H is for Hugh. I'd steer clear, were I you.  
I is for Iris. Her skin’s like papyrus.
J is for Junior. There pants no prat punier.
K is for Kyle. His “How wah ya...?"…? “Sieg Heil!”
L is for Lou. Lou moons, "Mine lacks a view.”
M’s for Manchu. Moans, "More tiramisu!"
N is for Norm. Calls pornography ‘porm.’
O is for Ollie. Don’t seek to meet “Dolly.”
P is for Pearl. Spoke in tongues as a girl.
Q is for Quinlin out gatherin' "kindlin.’"  
R is for Rex. Mixes plaids, stripes 'n' checks.
S is for Sol. Never “you." Always “y’all.”
T is for Truman. ‘Bout Drumpf Tru’s still fumin.’
U is for Urban. His breath...? Most disturbin.'
V is for Vlad. False Dmitry's his dad.
W’s Walt: “It’s them Dumbocrats’ fault.”
X is for Xena. Her nose has grown leana.
Y’s for Yvonne. Bakes one wild garlic naan.
Z is for Zack. Twelve years passing for black.

...," He Said, Ernestly: 20+ Questin's (sic) or The First (Last...?) Annual 'Oscar Wilde' Nonsense Short Short Story Invitational: Potential (i.e., Oulipo-Urged) Shenanagram-Prompted Purple Prose Passages and Picture-Postcard-Painted Patois

     'Oscar Wilde': every 
anagram prompts a poetic 
plot. So...? Get on with it, 
you "potentielle" Queneaus!

O, S, C, A, R, W, I, L, D, E
A, C, D, E, I, L, O, R, S, W
A, E, I, O, C, D, L, R, S, W
C, D, L, R, S, W, A, E, I, O

A solid crew  X 
A cowl dries  X 
A crow'd isle  X 
A deco swirl  X
Air'd "Le Scow"
Air'd Lew's CO  
Alice words
Alice's word  X 
Ali's Roc Dew
Ali's Roc Wed  X
Ali! We scor'd!  X
al'ows cider
a slow recid
A word slice
Alice sword
A wordsicle  X
A row, sliced

Cold Ears, WI  X 
Cilea Sword  X
Clas'...? "Widower."  X 
Cold, I swear!  X 
C.O.D. air slew
Cried Sal: "Wo'!"  X 
CA rides low.
Car's oil...? Dew!  X
(C): A Wild Rose  X
Cora is lewd.  X
"Cor!"...? Wel' said!  X
Coward lies.  X   
Coward's lie
Cows derail! 
Crowd aisle!
Cawdor Isle  X 
Cries, "A wold!"  X 
Crowe's Dali  X
Carol's wide.

DCI Al swore.  X
Driscol' awe
DA cries, "Owl!"  X 
Dear ol' Wics:  X
Dire Slaw Co. 
Doric Wales  X
DOW's a relic.  X
De laws o' Ric  X 
DWI! Leo's car...?  X
Do eclairs w____...?
Dice...? Or laws...?  X
E. coli wards  X 
"'e cwasi, Lord!" 
El Cid...or was
Eric...? S! Aldo...? W!
"...'eld i' ascrow." 
El Cid saw Ro-...
Erica's wold
Eric's a wold. 
Eric was old.  X

Ilsa Wecord 

Ideal crows 
I draw Cole's  X
I'd wear clo's  X
I also crew'd.  X
I do Al's crew.
I draw close.
I raced...s  l  o  w  X
Is Lear cow'd...?
I slew Draco.  X
I saw ER Doc L.  X 
I -- cold! -- swear. 
I was colder.
I lose...? Ward C!  
I scared Owl.  X 

Lear is cow'd  X  
Law code, sir!  X
Lois Cardew
Low cars die.
Low C, raised  X 
A lower disc.  X 
Le Disco War   x 
Low sidecar
Lo! Icewards!
La Screw...? Dio!
Lew...? Cora...? Sid...?  X

Oil Ace Rd., S.W.  X 
Or slaw iced  X
Old Wis'acre  X 
Ol' Deric saw.
Or, dis a clew
O, scar'd wile!
Ow! d'Arc lies!  X
(O) Sliced raw
Ow'd eclairs  X 
Or El Cid was.  X
Or El Cid saw. 
Oscar Wilde
Owl Sidecar 
Raid Lew's CO  X 
"Rowli**cades"  X
re: a soil'd WC  X
Reads, "Wilco!"  X 

Scrod wi' ale
Scio 'wad'ler' 
So weird, Cal!  X 
Scowler Aid
Seward Coil 
Sie World, CA  X
Sacred owl...? I...?
Sac' o' rildew  X
Sid...? Lew...? Cora...?
Sired a...clow...?  X
"Soldier...?" "WAC!"  X
So, El Cid: war...? 
Sailor, WCed
Saw roc...? Lied.
S read: "Wilco."  X
"...," said Le Crow. 
Sri de la Cow
Slower acid
Soiled craw  X 

Wade, Cloris! 
Wid' col' ears 
Worse: Cali'd!  X 
Woc lids are  X 
W card...? I lose. 
Wid' escarol'  X
Walid's core
Waldo cries  X 
Wide ol' cars  X
Waldo's rice.
W: "" "C: "!"  X
Weird colas  X
"We's cordial!"
We...? Sic Roald...?     
We'd sic Arlo. 
We soil'd Arc. 
WC read soli.     
Wide corals
Wails, "Credo..."  X
Wace is Lord!  X 
We roal'd (sic).  X
Wed Lorca...? Si!  X


(Verses and images to come:  a work in progress.) HAMPDEN  DAMP HEN DAPHNE M.  MEAN PHD DAPH 'N’ ME  H, P, M AND E    …AND HEMP  Bandid...