The Seven Hues:
1. Red 2. Orange 3. Yellow 4. Blue
1. Red 2. Orange 3. Yellow 4. Blue
5. Green 6. Indigo 7. Violet
The Seven “Hue”mophones:
1. Rhett 2. Whoreange 3. Gelho 4. P’loo
5. C’reen 6. Indyco 7. Violhat
The Ten Derivatives:
1. Rhett 2. Whore 3. Angel 4. Hope 5. Loo
6. Careen 7. Indy 8. Cove 9. Viol 10. Hat
The Tenotations Initial’d B:
1. Butler 2. Babylon 3. Baradiel 4. Barack 5. Bathroom
6. Bounce 7. Brickyard 8. Bay 9. Bass 10. Bonnet
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