An American administration lasts four, maybe eight years.
Its impact, for better or worse, drags on for lifetimes.
Ages ambulate
for years. Not
Advents: four weeks, tops.
An afternoon drags on for days – as third acts do, when flops.
An attosecond…? Light takes time to make but two short hops!*
An afternoon drags on for days – as third acts do, when flops.
An attosecond…? Light takes time to make but two short hops!*
*An attosecond measures the time light takes to travel the width
of two hydrogen atoms, about one quintillionth of a second.
Blips be brief. And as for beats…? But fractions of a bar.
Some thirty minutes, bells at sea. (In class, bells fifty are.*)
Biennia engage two years, then bid one, "Au revoir."
*Back in the day, the length of a typical high-school algebra class
in minutes (though feeling far longer to some observers).
The time a Candle takes to burn runs several hundred hours.
A century…? Eight hundred thousand hours – and more -- devours.
(The first depends on how one takes account of candle powers.)
A life spins seven Decades out – in years, three score and ten
(assuming decades ten years span): so scrawls the Psalmist's pen.
(A day...? In hours, twenty-four: as chimes Old Smoke’s* Big Ben.)
The time a Candle takes to burn runs several hundred hours.
A century…? Eight hundred thousand hours – and more -- devours.
(The first depends on how one takes account of candle powers.)
A life spins seven Decades out – in years, three score and ten
(assuming decades ten years span): so scrawls the Psalmist's pen.
(A day...? In hours, twenty-four: as chimes Old Smoke’s* Big Ben.)
*A nickname first bestowed on London due to its smog.
The moniker persisted.
Each Epoch's length's determin’d by a slew of 'ick'y stuff –
like geometr'ic's, astronom'ic's, phys'ic's... (Had enough...?)
"Yer era's just yer E.R.A.,"* opines the baseball buff.
*In baseball, the average number of runs given up by a pitcher –
his so-called earned run average – is not a measure of time at all.
A Friedman marks six moons have pass'd; a fortnight, fourteen suns.
A February…? Eight plus twenty ('cept in leap year) runs.
Each time frame's fluid: Brubeck (Dave) took five -- and raked in tons.
(A femtosecond's fa-a-ar too short: the time buff femtos shuns.)
How long's a Generation…? Whom you quiz may well prove weighty.
Galactic years…? Since time began, far fewer've flown than eighty.*
A gigasecond lasts one second...times one billion, matey!
(Gestations and Gregori'n years…? Nowt…if one hails from Haiti.)
*About 61 since the Big Bang, as the time it takes the solar system
to orbit the center of the Milky Way (which is the length of a galactic
year) measures about 225 million earth years.
A moment lasts a minute and a half. Thus, Half a mo
should, as a rule, last merely five and forty seconds. Go!
(Some sev’ral heartbeats – seventy plus two – each minute fill.
There may beat more -- or way, way less – if one falls gravely ill.)
A hectosecond takes a hundred seconds, more or less.
How many in an hour…? Hey! You do the math. (Or guess.)
An Instant takes no time at all. Indictions…? Fifteen years.
An instant’s just a snapshot of "right now" -- in, say, Algiers.
(A verse which blends ‘em both…? Perhaps in limericks of Lear’s...?)
A Jiffy marks the time elaps’d as light migrates one fermi.
(A fermi’s rarely read about in tomes on taxidermy.)
A jubilee is fifteen years. (Who so explains the term…? Me!)
What's 4.32 billion years...? A Kalpa. (Hey! Who knew...?)
What’s ten plus four and four/tenths minutes long…? That answer’s ke.
A ke’s Chinese. It’s sound approximates the Frenchman’s ‘bleu.’
A kilosecond’s three halves of a ke… so there: adieu!
Lents last forty days. For fasting folks, those prove a strife time.
For lunar months, slice one half day off thirty! Posed...? A knife time!
A lustrum lasts five years. When you’re in jail, such seems a lifetime.
(The bachelor -- unless confirm’d -- spends, in the long run, wife time.)
A Month o’ Sundays…? Thirty weeks. (In tetes-a-tetes, much greater.)
A moment ends at three half-minutes. Nope! Not one tick later.
('M's teem. But, in the meantime...see ya later, alligator!)
The time 'tween light's turn green and cab horn's honk…? A New York second.
How longs the night...? Depends on where on earth good souls begin it.
(A billionth of a second…? That’s a nanosecond, i’n’it…?)
How longs the night...? Depends on where on earth good souls begin it.
(A billionth of a second…? That’s a nanosecond, i’n’it…?)
The time 'twixt your snafu and your "Oh, no!"...? An Onosecond.
(The nature of your fuck up or faux pas can go unreckon'd.)
Olympiads run four years long: with laurel wreaths they're fecund.
Planck time runs way, wa-a-a-ay shorter.
A length of time of three months is the span they call a Quarter.
Res satti has to do with New Year’s Day. It's Latin…sorter.
Lamb’s tail’s Shakes may fluctuate, as may each sev’ral season.
Semesters, too, may vary: ask your principal the reason.
If scenes run long, play fans cry, “Wrong!” (The sin…? Theatric treason.)
A Scaramucci's ten days long, post which he's Drumpf displeasin.'
A Tatum* is the time ‘twixt tones in Art’s descending scale.
(A trice is also very short: it ain’t no “pace de snail.”)
A "Take Two" starts once "One" departs, once "Take One"’s deem’d “No sale!”
Res satti has to do with New Year’s Day. It's Latin…sorter.
Lamb’s tail’s Shakes may fluctuate, as may each sev’ral season.
Semesters, too, may vary: ask your principal the reason.
If scenes run long, play fans cry, “Wrong!” (The sin…? Theatric treason.)
A Scaramucci's ten days long, post which he's Drumpf displeasin.'
A Tatum* is the time ‘twixt tones in Art’s descending scale.
(A trice is also very short: it ain’t no “pace de snail.”)
A "Take Two" starts once "One" departs, once "Take One"’s deem’d “No sale!”
*Named for jazz great Art Tatum and that pianist's lightning arpeggios.
The Upper Pal’olithic Age lasts 30,000 years.
A Vamp 'til ready lasts until the buzzing in one’s ears --
plus fear of failure, nosebleed and amnesia -- disappears.
A While might last a watch or two, thought way less than a week.
An (e)Xasecond’s 1,000,000,000,000,000,000* seconds – so to speak.
* Pronounced "one quintillion.
Yoctoseconds…? Zeptoseconds…? Both to me are Greek.
(Exhausted I'm, so ends my time to take a leak.)
(Exhausted I'm, so ends my time to take a leak.)
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