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Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Drumpf's Base! (11)

One hears of Drumpf’s base
all over the place.
They hold views which Fake News
keeps reprisin.’
Are they call’d ‘base’ for cause…?
Do they scoff at our laws…?
Are they classified ‘base’
for some reason…?
Are they viciously vile…?
Are they so infantile
as to run over foes
with their cars…?
Do they swastikas scrawl
on each synagogue wall…?
Do they worship the stars 
and the bars…?
Are they I.Q. impair’d…?
Don’t they know Drumpf is merde…?
Why’d they stomp on stuff
formerly cherish’d…?
If they think all’s a plot
and they don’t get their shot,
will they die, nor know why
their lot perish’d…?

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