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Friday, August 27, 2021

Hey-...-Day! (Past)

The Met and Dicapo were places Pete's
people hung,
thinking they'd sing in The Ring of the
Nibelung --
highly unlikely for lads with one
feeble lung:
She diets, does Blossom i.e., dear friend
She nibbles on kibbles, though's grown "lo-cal"
Full-fill’d, she'll be bill’d as Brünnhilde, Val-
what say...? Diddle-doodle-dah-day…?
Lot (a lot!) learns the hard way: to trust neither
ears nor eyes.
This much Lot's certain of: Monday the
sun will rise --
surely as God’s in His heaven and all’s…
Vay! Diddle-doodle-dah-day!
Anne's as avid for anklets as Manon
Some would say Anne's a wacko (more 'WAC' -- if
less '-ko'). 
Still, if gab is of gold, she'll shill. "For it
let’s go! 
What the...hey! Diddle-doodle-dah-day!"

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