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Friday, August 13, 2021

Richard’s Scary (Unpub)

town's quite small. No urban sprawl.
(We still love all our trees.)
franchise wars. No big-box stores.
No oil refineries.
look aroun.' No fact'ry town.
No smog. Just balmy breeze.

town does welcome immigrants
who flee from jeopardy.
otic stores...? They've open'd scores
(which open doors for me).
fit in fine. We all combine
as one -- small -- family.

how," you ask, "might each one's task
impact their work, their play...?
where they spend their days depend
on what their name is...? Hey,
each one's name be most to blame
for where each spends the day...?"

     Archie's at the arch’ry range.
(His aim remains sub par.)
     Barbra's at the barber shop --
where all her brothers are.

kari's at the bakery.
(Let's go: it's not too far.)
milo's at the camera store.
(He’d love an SLR.)

lilah's at the deli.
elda's there as well.)
rissa's at the florist.
loves “that bloomin’ smell.”)
's at the grocery store,
though Homer’s still at home.
Isaac’s at the ice cream parlor.
(Ike thinks, “When in Rome…”)
Jim’s at the gymnasium.
neth's at the kennel.
mumba's at the lumber yard:
he finds fir "fundamennel.”
Mark is
 at the market.
Nicolai's pursued her there.
celpha's at the oculist:
“I'd like that horn-rimm'd pair.”
(a work in progress) 

Pete is at the pizza parlor.
Quenton...? He's there, too.
Reece, at the recycling center,
wonders: “Where are you?”
Sugar's at the shoe store.
Travis...? At the track,
where he’s trying --unsuccessfully --
to win that C-note back.

Una's at the union hall.
Victor’s join’d her there.
Wally's at the Walmart 
(though he could be anywhere).
Xavier’s with Yoda
at the latter’s yoga class.
Zoë’s hangin’ at the zoo.
They all left home en masse.

Our town's quite small. 


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(Verses and images to come:  a work in progress.) HAMPDEN  DAMP HEN DAPHNE M.  MEAN PHD DAPH 'N’ ME  H, P, M AND E    …AND HEMP  Bandid...