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Thursday, August 26, 2021

The 12 Dates of Xmas Pageant (Past)

In twelfth place is Ms. d’Ruhmer Struhmann,
formerly a nun.
In eleventh…? Lourdes-Lee Pinne.
(Twelfth’s the best Pinne's ever done.)
     In tenth place…? Piper Spigh-Penn.
Just to enter’s been her prayer.
In ninth place…? Lady Stanzing.
She’s got somethin’ on the mayor.
     In eighth place…? Maye d’Zamilkin.
Maye’s placed eighth the last eight years.
In seventh place…? The Swanzas women.
(Please hold down the jeers!)
     In sixth place…? Geisha Laine.
Is Geisha not a pretty girl...?
In fifth place…? Golda Rinques.
She's vow’d to “give this match a whirl.”
     In fourth…? Cal (“Inga”) Bertz:
“To be a nominee’s enough.”
In third…? Fran Chence,
who, this year, is competing in the buff.
     In second place…? Ms. Tyrdle-Duffs.
And now, the env’lope, please:
It’s Anna Pahrd! Regina Peartree!
Tied for VIPs!*
     * Victors-In-Pageant

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