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Thursday, September 23, 2021

It's a Riot (Unpub)

Two Centuries of Premiers 
Accompanied by Audience Rioting
and the Number of Years Between Events

1        Hernani   Victor Hugo   Feb. 25, 1830   Paris
+ 8     Benvenuto Cellini   Hector Berlioz   Sept. 10, 1838   Paris
+ 23   Tannhauser   Richard Wagner   1861   Paris
+ 35   Ubu Roi   Alfred Jarry   Dec. 10, 1896   Paris
+ 11   The Playboy of the Western World   John M. Synge   Jan. 26, 1907   Dublin
+ 6     Altenberg Lieder   Alban Berg   Mar. 31, 1913   Vienna
+ 1/6  Le Sacre du Printemps   Igor Stravinsky   May 29, 1913   Paris
+ 4     Parade   Erik Satie   May 18, 1917   Paris
+ 9     The Plough and the Stars   Sean O’Casey   Feb. 11, 1926    Dublin
+ 3/4  The Miraculous Mandarin   Bela Bartok   Nov. 27, 1926   Cologne
+ 4    The Rise and Fall of the City of Mahagonny  Weil and Becht   1930  Leipzig
+ 24   Deserts   Edgard Varese   Dec. 2, 1954   Paris
+ 19   Four Organs   Steve Reich   Jan. 18, 1973   New York
+ 20   Aeschylus’s The Persians (Gulf War Version)   Robert Auletta   1993   LA

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