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Thursday, August 25, 2022


Through history, for multi-millions, 
'forty' spells 'a lot.'
But such is just a fraction 
of the meanings 'forty''s got: 

Against some forty bandits 
a septet Akira matches.
A mule (plus forty acres) 
slaves were pledg'd to plow their patches.

Last night Drumpf got no sleep; 
Don needs to grab his forty winks.
Some folks believe that Benny's not reach'd forty 
(so Jack thinks).

Minus 40...? 
Temp where Fahrenheit and Celsius match.
Zirconium's atomic number: 
40 is it...? Natch'!

Who'd tell of Enki 
sometimes scratches '40' in their clays.
In Genesis, the rains fell forty nights -- 
and forty days.

Forty years did David rule...
and Solomon...and Saul...
"Nineveh!" warns Jonah. 
"Forty days you've left: that's all."

In tennis, 40-40's call'd a deuce.
(It's like a tie.)
In American Top 40
Casey Kasem was our guy.

Sakes alive! 2³ X 5 adds up to...
10 X 4!
(To who'd be wise this I'll advise:
Shut not thine eyes! Don't snore!)

Goliath challenged David twice each day
for forty days.
Lent also lasts full forty,
after which: Spring holidays.

This song's a mix of forty stichs
and once it's sung I'm done.
But here's the thing: I'm set to sing
A Song of Forty One.  

1 comment:

  1. 40 plus 40 makes 80.
    A ripe old age for some.
    But not for old Methuselah,
    It’s how long he chews his gum.


Rev'd Spooner Meets Rev'd Carroll

He sought to thaw  each thought he saw  flee, frozen, from his mind.  He peer'd again,  then gear'd his pen,  supposin' he'd...