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Friday, September 30, 2022

Citizen Spoon

Platform for the Grand Old Party.
Seems this well-charr'd char's quite hearty. 
     The Handmaid's Tale / The tann'd maid's hale

Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Gone With the Spoon

Sign supplied near a wrecking crew. 
Times you "do as the Merkans do."
     Men at work / When at Merk 

Tuesday, September 27, 2022

The Birth of a Spooner

The kick-off to Psalm 23.
You pick on my jaguar, I see.
     Ye Lord is my shepherd /
     Thee shor' dis my leopard 

Ojibwe legend serves as source.
Ask, "Ya'll into Yoga force...?"
     Hiawatha / Why a Hatha...?

Marx Brothers movie which Leo* directs.
Someone gave cave-dwellin' cove oral sex.
     Duck Soup / Suck'd Oop
          * McCarey 

Monday, September 26, 2022

Dance to the Music of Spoon

Sid and Harry's Afro-flick.
Shakespeare's Moby Dick. 
     Buck and the Preacher / Puck and the Breacher

Friday, September 23, 2022

Hello, Queneau! or Multiplier Effect

     The four lines below can be set out in 24 
different orders, each providing a slight variant 
of the Parable of the Multiplication of the Loaves 
and Fishes. 

Once Son o' Man's done wrapp'd His spiel 
Tho' left with mostly empty creel 
He'll bless twin loaves 'n' fish with zeal  
Because He'd serve a decent meal

A B C D   A B D C   A C B D   A C D B   A D B C   A D C B
B C A D   B C D A   B D A C   B D C A   B A C D   B A D C
C D A B   C D B A   C A B D   C A D B   C B A D   C B D A
D A B C   D A C B   D B A C   D B C A   D C A B   D C B A

Won Ton Soup Spooner

Asian fare in wok gets toss'd.
Quartet hollers, "What's our cost...?" 
     Pork fried rice / Four cried, "Price...?"

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

A Trey of Spooners

Flickers film'd in lower'd light.
Jaws meets Dorothy, takes a bite.
     Shot in the dark / Dot in the shark

Daring Paris mill is red.
Where oh where is Street My Sled...?
     Moulin Rouge / Rue Mon Luge

Mark Twain's tome's a classic work
and Henry Binn's a freakin' jerk.
     Huckleberry Finn / Fuck ol' Harry Binn 

Sunday, September 18, 2022

Born Royal...?: A NightM.A.R.E.* in Three Cantos

     So-called "NightM.A.R.E.s" are nonsense 
verses excessively stressing Meter, Alliteration, 
Rhyme and Esotericosity.
     "Born Royal...?" concentrates on kings and 
queens, caliphs and rexes, duchesses and 
supreme leaders, chancellors and dukes...and 
a solo Semitic margrave.


Late I've wonder'd: had I been born royal,
would've life aloft lessen'd the roiling, the toil
which, at boil, spur'd attempts to shed life's mortal coil...?
Would I've access'd such spoil, were I royal...?
     Born Charlemagne, King of the Franks,
would I’ve issued Haroun al-Rashid Sherman tanks
as small payback for Abul-Abbas, with my thanks...
if born Charlemagne, King of the Franks...?     (per GFH)
     Born Joshua, Rex Judeorum, 
would I've brew'd such to-do's in Jerusalem's forum
while failing when jail'd to arrive at a quorum...
born Joshua, Rex Judeorum...? 
     Born Caliph Haroun al-Rashid, 
would I've bury'd my harem and married some Swede
flank'd by ring bearers, each a faux Joël Embiid...
if born Caliph Harun al-Rashid...?


Born Wallace the Duchess of Windsor,
would I've leapt from my bed on the day which begins her
affair with der Führer -- Come the schnapps! Come, some Linzer...
born Wallace the Duchess of Windsor...?
     Born Oberon, King of the Fairies,
would I've ceded Seal's Rock and attack'd the Canaries,
grenades (three pair) launch'd with a prayer (three Hail Marys)...
born Oberon, King of the Fairies...?
     Born Jong-un Supreme Leader Kim,
would I've sooner shirr'd eggs than shared egos with "him" --
and by "him" I, of course, ref'rence Donald the Dim...
if born Jong-un Supreme Leader Kim...?
     Born that merciless emperor Ming,
would I've pencil'd a pact with the Clay People's king
to entrap earthman Flash in a Mongo-wide sting...
born that merciless emperor Ming...?


Born Edward K. Ellington, "Duke,"
would I've traded my top hat for powder'ed peruke
while ignoring the box bobby-soxers call 'juke'...
if born Edward K. Ellington, "Duke"...?
     Born Chancellor Angela Merkle,
would I've laid bare my lights in a whole 'nother circle
while tattling tales to that talk-show host Terkle...
born Chancellor Angela Merkle...?
     Born Queen Isabella of Spain,
would I've diss'd Chris Columbus ("That punk proved a pain!"),
keeping USA properties public domain...
if born Queen Isabella of Spain...?
     Born Moses the Margrave of Mohels,
would I've thrived, so alive in such splendorous soils...?
Would I've bedded, than wedded, more better-class goils...
were I born 'mongst the mondo of royals...?

Saturday, September 17, 2022


In Xanadu did Kubla Khan a stately pleasure-dome decree.
But Kubla's crib had nothing on the "tajma hall" decreed by me.
My designated Grand Vizier who, formerly a choc'latier
compell'd to leave Leuze-en-Hainaut beneath a cloud ("They made me go"),
in place of Alph the sacred stream, provision'd ponds with clotted cream,
then stock'd each pool with shortbread fish, which pairings proved one "dish delish."

     (a work in progress)

Spoony + Goony

Kern + Gershwin = hit: 
     a lucrative equation. 
Chinese spy and Yuri's bit 
     o' fluff of queer persuasion.
          Long Ago (and Far Away) / 
          Wong (a foe) and Lara (gay)

'Twas brillig.
'Twas thought to be brillig.
'Twas about to have been brillig.
'Twas...what's that...? You say it wasn't brillig...?

Thursday, September 15, 2022

The King in Orange or This Rectum Runs the Spectrum

He, brought up in the green,
with spoons of silver in his mouth,
would Yellow Fever ne'er encounter.
Black Death...? Nope! Nor drouth.
     All businesses bequeath'd to him
he ran into the red,
which left his dad and mother blue
(who're Mary Anne 'n' Fred.)
      His soul...? It runs to shades of gray,
all bordering on black.
The candidates he backs...? Fa-a-ar red.
(Of those there's ne'er a lack.)
     His offspring...? White supremacists.
His dermis he terms tan.
His thatch is prematurely blonde.
He's psycho-delic, man!

Gerald FitzSpoon

A stamen...? A pistil...? This circle is hesitant.
Group granting succor where Bubbe's a resident.
     Transgender community / Gran's tender community

Pentel Puns: Games Führers Play: Exquisite Corpse

Recollecting a Loser

Not Kublai Khan in Xanadu;
Not Lincoln in the Bardo.
Not Conway, Hugh at Shangri-la
was Drumpf at MAGA-lardo.
In days to come, recalling Drumpf,
that awful autocrat,
think Bonaparte at Waterloo.
Think Casey at the Bat. 

Wednesday, September 14, 2022

V of D Q & A

What's the funniest line Emma Chambers's Alice Tinker ever delivered...?
I can't believe it's not "I can't believe it's not 'I Can't Believe It's Not Butter.'"

Tuesday, September 13, 2022

Palace Leaks or Time to Draw on the Special Relationship

Said Charles to his Camilla,
referring to his pen,
"Oh god I hate this bloody thing.
Look! Here it goes again."
Camilla's answer to her Charles...?
"It's going everywhere.
What you require's a Sharpie, Sire.
I bet Trump kept a spare."

Pentel Puns: Games Führers Play: Sign My Yearbook: Hitler Youth, Class of '39


Saturday, September 10, 2022

Up at the Spooner

Lines from our anthem that land with a thud.
One cheese's applause, one preferr'd cheese's mud. 
     The land of the free, the home of the brave /
     the hand of the Brie, the loam of the fave

Thursday, September 8, 2022

Folly De Die Natali, a Study in Determinism or Don't Trust the 'Must' (completed on Die Non-Natali, i.e., the poet's unbirthday)

Here's not Paul Atreides 
nor not Warren Beattys, 
Elizabeth Cadys 
nor do, dare, dedis...

"In eighty days, Adie turns eighty":
six words which must, someday, prove true.*
(And, in some way or t'other, young Adie's big brother
Sebastian must turn eighty-two.)

     ** That day will be May 26th in the year 2083. 
Mark your calendars.

But must they, too, migrate to Haiti,
a decision said sibs view as weighty...?
Must Adie get wedded to Katie,
an attractive and talented lady...

...whose mummy and dad are Kuwaiti...?
Must Seb bed a woman call'd Zadie
from the Philippine Island of Leyte*
who'd bear him a scion dubb'd Brady...?

Must Adie 'n' Kate beget Grady 'n' Nate,
conjoin'd twins, in a nascency shady...?
I can't ensure those outcomes, matey,
since by then I'll've said "When." (As will you.)

     * Pronounced by some (Latinex...?) as 
/Lay tay/ but here enunciated to rhyme with 
Zadie (a perfectly acceptable -- if perhaps 
overly venerable -- pronunciation).

Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Spooners of Circumstance

Sondheim sung to Mrs. Lovett.
I'm a mutt: no breed above it!
     "Not while I'm around" / Rottweil'...? I'm "an 'ound!"

Monday, September 5, 2022

Sunday, September 4, 2022


The Quaker bard to worth of youth 
and nature would attest. 
     Among the puns on Whittier's verse, 
this "Boy-foot bear" one's best.
     A boardroom head -- one Lego-shod -- 
whose nose has been suppress'd.
          Barefoot boy with cheek of tan /
          boy-foot bear with teak of Chan /
          toy-foot Chair with beak of ban

Friday, September 2, 2022

Nanny Nonsense's Nursery Toy Closet of Celebrity Borrowed Interest

The Orson Beanbag

The Jack Paarcheesi
The Sylvia SimsCity
The Clue Gulager 
     (the three above per SS) 

The J. Willard MarriYahtzee 
The Atilla the Hungry Hungry Hippo 
The Brad Pit
The Lieutenant General H. R. McMastermind  

The Tarot Yamamoto 
The Leo G. Carrom 
The Baby Snooker
The Marlene Dietrichtactoe 

The Ronald Pickupsticks
The Harry Partcheesi 
The Augustine of Hippokemon 
The Hale Boggle

The Robert Cootie 
The O. Winston SLinky 
The Justice Hugo Blacktion Figure
The Oliver Twister 

The Marilyn Monopoly  
The Hamid Karxylophone
The Herb Blokus
The Neville Shutes and Ladders

The John Candyland  
The Donald Duck Pins
The Mickey Mousetrap 
The Feodor Chaliapinball Machine 

The Salman Rushdecoder Ring
The Gore De Volleyball 
The Deng Xiao Ping Pong Paddles 
The Hedy La Marbles  

The Don Qui Kong Arcade Game 
The Igor Stravinskee-Ball 
The Vincent Van Go-cart 
The Hermann Göring Toss 

The Edgar Allan Poetato Head
The Bibi Netanyahula Hoop 
The Hugo Matuscheckerboard 
The Leo Tolstoy Soldiers

The Walter Cronkite
The Klaus Barbie 
The John Coletrain Layout 
The Ludwig von Bakeoven

The Lucille Ball
The Rafael Nadoll
The James Armisteddy Bear
The Johann Sebastian Blocks

Thursday, September 1, 2022

The Bigliest Loser or POTUS the GOATUS* *Goat-Of-All-Time of the United States

 (a work in progress)

Ghosts in the Machines

      (A work in progress)

The Lever
The Wheel & Axle
The Pulley
The Inclined Plane
The Wedge
The Screw

The Making of a Spoon

Rudyard Kipling's concubine. 
Crone's whetstone nears Ursine line.
     A rag, a bone, a hank of hair / A hag, a hone, a rank of bear

Spooner of Lambeth

President's clone who's the bane of the Right.
Rag-pickin' crone who'll remain out of sight.
     Hunter Biden / Bunter, hidin'


(Verses and images to come:  a work in progress.) HAMPDEN  DAMP HEN DAPHNE M.  MEAN PHD DAPH 'N’ ME  H, P, M AND E    …AND HEMP  Bandid...