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Sunday, September 18, 2022

Born Royal...?: A NightM.A.R.E.* in Three Cantos

     So-called "NightM.A.R.E.s" are nonsense 
verses excessively stressing Meter, Alliteration, 
Rhyme and Esotericosity.
     "Born Royal...?" concentrates on kings and 
queens, caliphs and rexes, duchesses and 
supreme leaders, chancellors and dukes...and 
a solo Semitic margrave.


Late I've wonder'd: had I been born royal,
would've life aloft lessen'd the roiling, the toil
which, at boil, spur'd attempts to shed life's mortal coil...?
Would I've access'd such spoil, were I royal...?
     Born Charlemagne, King of the Franks,
would I’ve issued Haroun al-Rashid Sherman tanks
as small payback for Abul-Abbas, with my thanks...
if born Charlemagne, King of the Franks...?     (per GFH)
     Born Joshua, Rex Judeorum, 
would I've brew'd such to-do's in Jerusalem's forum
while failing when jail'd to arrive at a quorum...
born Joshua, Rex Judeorum...? 
     Born Caliph Haroun al-Rashid, 
would I've bury'd my harem and married some Swede
flank'd by ring bearers, each a faux Joël Embiid...
if born Caliph Harun al-Rashid...?


Born Wallace the Duchess of Windsor,
would I've leapt from my bed on the day which begins her
affair with der Führer -- Come the schnapps! Come, some Linzer...
born Wallace the Duchess of Windsor...?
     Born Oberon, King of the Fairies,
would I've ceded Seal's Rock and attack'd the Canaries,
grenades (three pair) launch'd with a prayer (three Hail Marys)...
born Oberon, King of the Fairies...?
     Born Jong-un Supreme Leader Kim,
would I've sooner shirr'd eggs than shared egos with "him" --
and by "him" I, of course, ref'rence Donald the Dim...
if born Jong-un Supreme Leader Kim...?
     Born that merciless emperor Ming,
would I've pencil'd a pact with the Clay People's king
to entrap earthman Flash in a Mongo-wide sting...
born that merciless emperor Ming...?


Born Edward K. Ellington, "Duke,"
would I've traded my top hat for powder'ed peruke
while ignoring the box bobby-soxers call 'juke'...
if born Edward K. Ellington, "Duke"...?
     Born Chancellor Angela Merkle,
would I've laid bare my lights in a whole 'nother circle
while tattling tales to that talk-show host Terkle...
born Chancellor Angela Merkle...?
     Born Queen Isabella of Spain,
would I've diss'd Chris Columbus ("That punk proved a pain!"),
keeping USA properties public domain...
if born Queen Isabella of Spain...?
     Born Moses the Margrave of Mohels,
would I've thrived, so alive in such splendorous soils...?
Would I've bedded, than wedded, more better-class goils...
were I born 'mongst the mondo of royals...?

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(Verses and images to come:  a work in progress.) HAMPDEN  DAMP HEN DAPHNE M.  MEAN PHD DAPH 'N’ ME  H, P, M AND E    …AND HEMP  Bandid...