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Thursday, November 17, 2022

" Jus' Say Ya Won!" The Big Lie per "-Un"cola et "-Un"commata

     Colons (Lat: cola) and commas (Lat: commata) are 
clauses and phrases. Their "-un"-prefixed forms, (i.e., 
the so-called '"-un"cola'* and '"-un"commata' used by Uly
Poe in the title above these verses) refer to the deployment 
of "cola et commata" -- these a reference to St. Jerome's 
divisions, using punctuation marks, of the formerly 
unpunctuated scriptures -- the better to characterize 
one of Drumpf's more egregious scams.

     * Despite its appearance, this neologism does 
not reference the soft drink Seven Up.

...four, three, two, one:
another run.
Hey! Jus' for fun,
I'll say I won!
    Afoot's Herr Hun 
with Book 'n' gun --
'n' tons o' mon --
who says, "I won!"
    God's other sun
(ignore the pun)
tells how it's done:
"Jus' say ya won!".
     Allegiance...? Shun!
Statistics...? Spun.
Decorum...? None:
jus' say ya won!

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