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Monday, November 7, 2022

Atheists and Near-Atheists Celebrated in Limericks & Normal or Nashesque Clerihews

Mr. Ron Reagan 
ain't pullin' our leg, un-
afraid as he is to make hash of the spell 
cast by dead-end religionists -- nor does the Great Communicator's son 
"fear burning in hell."
Sir Philip Pullman CBE --
an atheist a la the C of E.
Reared in The Book of Common Prayer,
it's the Anglican God he doubts is there.

Mrs. Madalyn Murray O'Hair
is emphatic that God isn't there:
"God the Father...? Erased!
God the Son can't be traced.
And that Holy Ghost...? Wholly hot air!"

Mr. F. Nietzsche,
appears led to reach a
paradigm-shifting conclusion -- specific'lly, God is now dead --
but, since too few believe him, Fred fosters the concept of the ubermensch instead.

Mr. Tom Paine
is heard to complain,
"Mine's a Deist, no godless-type 'creed.'
But priestcraft...? I thoroughly diss that, indeed."

Mr. Chris Hitchens
stays put in all kitchens,
having proved himself able to "handle their heat"
while delivering blinker'd creationists one then another plu-encyclopedic defeat. 

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