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Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Spoonissimus, -ah, -um

     Below you'll find expressed fifteen textual equations. 
Within each, a pair of ratios -- through their meters, rhymes 
and Spoonerisms -- appear unexpectedly equivalent. The 
notation employ'd to express them -- "a : b :: c : d" -- 
should be read "a is to be as c is to d."

paste those placards down the street : post no bills :: 
"I'm off meds," she's heard to bleat : boast...? "No pills!"

her pinkies ring (they also stink) : bells on her toes :: 
she snitches on her suitors...Fink! : tells on her beaus

illumined by monastic scribes : the Book of Kells :: 
Isabella's chef...? Good vibes! : the cook of Belle's 

part of count towards starting bell : ..."two for the show..." :: 
pinkie slipper -- S, M, L : shoe for the toe 

solfeggio pitches, sung in line : do, re, mi ::
a classic urbs begins decline : Rome, A.D.

beacoup performances it ran : The Me Nobody Knows ::
'tweren't him, my friend; 'twere some ol' man : then, he...? No, buddy: Mose

he classic renovatio led : the Renaissance Man ::
as Father's sisters, nephews sped : the men, as aunts, ran

half a pair of magic shoes : ruby slipper ::
off'd Jack's sister (and his muse...?) : slew Bea Ripper 

brass knuckles, clubs 'n' knives : gat mates ::
prefers pre-teens to wives : Matt Gaetz

it won Patricia Neal a Tony : Another Part of the Forest ::
more stench -- as from some putrid pony : another fart -- of the poorest 

he's not some guy who deals in cheese : a butter 'n' egg man ::
you'll call me only Marg'ret, please : an utterin' "Meg" ban
keeps himself unto himself : a man of few words ::
haunts the Feline Language shelf : a fan of Mew words

pair adds meaning to 'retired' : suicide pact ::
Edward Bear's eleven's fired : Pooh...? His side's sack'd

Hebrew National on bun : a Coney Island frank ::
fictitious Scot -- eccentric one : a phoney 'ighland crank

Shaw's Salvation Army vet : Major Barbara ::
colloqu'al "tan (wife's cigarette)" : "beige ('er Mar'bora)"   

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