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Friday, December 30, 2022
Thursday, December 29, 2022
Alpha Betes: a Disordered ABC of Supreme Beasties Claiming Superiority
Original Alpha Betes (from AmalgaMates by Ulysses Poe)
The Apogeeraffe, the Boffolo, the Chargé d'aFerret, the Deep Seal,
the Emperorang, the First Plaice, the Genuinocerous, the Higheenah,
the Inside Trackoon, the Jupitern, the Keytiwake, the Lezzruff-Tew Weevils
the Magnacum Louse, the Notbadger, the Optimuskrat, the Parve Gnu,
the Qualiteal, the Reagle, the Staytodee Hart, the Topadee Lion, the Übear
the VIPeacock, the Wowl, the Xanadugong, the Yakohinoor and the Zebravo
New Alpha Betes
One: The EgotisTick
The EgotisTick, to be chosen top pick,
pushes lunatic schtick. (His routines make me sick.)
Two: The Notoriole
Notoriole's smarm...? Her attempts to disarm
all who'd cause undue harm to the City of Charm.
Three: The UpperCrustacean
The Upper Crustacean plies troth to a Haitian
who, choosing migration, flees Drumpf's "shithole nation."
Four: The Well-EduKatydid
The Well-EduKatydid, pregnant (tho' keepin' hid),
travels far off the grid, has her kid, names 'im Sid.
Five: The Tsardine
Do Tsardines court friends who will go to all ends
to establish new trends...? That, or course, all depends...
Six: The Maxolotl
The young Maxolotl sips pop from a bottle.
Adult Maxoes waddle. (Some won't. Still, a lot'll.)
Seven: The StrawMandrill
The Straw Mandrill stars in B movies where czars
manage wine bars on Mars. (No: no Oscars. Yes: scars.)
Eight: The Acmeerkat
The Acmeerkat clan...? Erect -- to a man.
Their gals also can -- phase two of The Plan.
Their gals also can -- phase two of The Plan.
Nine: The Biguana
The beastie we call the Biguana is small.
He's more pint-size than tall. (It's the name's 'big' is all.)
Ten: The Best-in-Shoat
The Best-in-Shoat's haut: she sports (and I quote)
"a Porky-pink coat." But that's all she wrote.
Eleven: The Camelflage
The Camelflage hide appears multichrome-dyed.
Her inside's likewise pied. (Those insisting not lied.)
Twelve: The Dynamoray
The Dynamoray can't but have the last say,
adding, "Do it my way: you'll keep troubles at bay."
Thirteen: The Ritzetze
In Ritzetze's maws lie a pair of great jaws
where grin teeth much like saws. (Did I mention the claws...?)
Fourteen: The GentEel
With no white tie or topper, GentEel comes a cropper.
But with 'em, he's proper -- a real traffic-stopper.
Fifteen: The Efferpheasant
The Efferpheasant ain't no peasant.
He, when present, makes life pleasant.
Sixteen: The SuperiOrca
"The SuperiOrca inhabits Minorca
and oozes kavorka." -- F. Garcia Lorca
Seventeen: The Cream-o'-the Crappie
Why's his tongue floppy, its diction so sloppy...?
'Cuz Cream-'o-the Crappie smokes opium poppy.
(a work in progress)
Eighteen: The GlitteRat
The Kangaruler
The ExcellAnt
The Fabulouse
The Flagrant Fowl
The Gazellionaire
The GigAnteater
The Grandrewsarchus
The GardenWallaby
The High-'n'-Mite
The Infamouse
The MaCrow
The MamMoth
The Masscivet
The AristoCat
The PrinciPalomino
The SizeaBull
Wednesday, December 28, 2022
DOJ Spinometer for "Select-Yer-Sentence" Board Game
As of today it appears likely that Citizen Drumpf will be indicted for one or
more of a whole host of crimes. Furthermore, based on the Everests of evidence
gathered and presented by the January 6th Select Committee, it's difficult to
imagine any scenario in which the former PotUs could be found innocent.
Therefore, once the all-but-inevitable guilty verdict is handed down, and in
light of the fact that The Donald has so often selected his own judges and his
own facts, surely it would be only fair to afford Herr Hair the opportunity to select
his own sentence. When sentencing day arrives, then, Don Wan will be presented by the DOJ with a Spinometer similar to the one pictured below. The ex-president
will be encouraged to twirl the Mashie-Niblick Spinner and discover his fate. (If
he has been determined to have been at all cooperative, perhaps a best two out
of three spins will be allowed.)
If the Spinometer points to Adolf, Drumpf will be shot in the head and his body
burned. The ceremonial gun used will be one provided by Marjorie Taylor Greene,
drawn from the armory featured in several of her campaign videos. If Benito is
selected, Drumpf will be hung upside-down (ideally-- as was Il Duce, with one or several of his mistresses alongside). In place of the traditional noose, one of The Donald's lengthy MAGA-red neckties will serve.
If Uncle Joe comes up, Daffy Donald will breathe his last lying in a pool of his
own urine. To insure sufficient volumes of fluid are forthcoming, the disgraced ex-
president will be force fed from a dozen or so two-liter bottles of Diet Cola prior
to execution. And if the Drumpf spinner lands on Idi, Donald will finish his days in
exile in Saudi Arabia playing a minimum of 36 holes per day -- on a course consisting entirely of sand traps.
Monday, December 26, 2022
Flummoxing Day: an Etymological Dialogue 'Twixt Ed and Amahl on the 26th of December
Ed's observations appear in this > > > typeface.
Amahl's look like this < < < .
"I've got no clue. I'm flummox'd! You...?"
"With flum I'm, too, replete."
"Why's Boxing Day so named that way...?"
"I'm flummox'd, I repeat."
"Why's Boxing Day so named that way...?"
"I'm flummox'd, I repeat."
"To blunt that flum, let's hunt for some..."
"What . . . ? " "...lexical approach
which, once deploy'd, will void this void."
"Which modus do you broach . . . ?"
"At school..." "Heart-Knox . . .?" "...'twas cool to box..."
". . . unorthodox albeit."
"Back thar' we'd seek to spar all week..."
"Did sadists swarm to see it . . . ?"
"Sure!" "No way , fool ! The season's Yule :
Weren't boxing duels verboten . . . ?"
"They toxic were. But boxes...?" " 'Twere
poor's alms . . ." "...read:'balms'!" ". . . they're totin' .
"Their beds they've made." "Still, they need aid,
and boxes carry care,
bein' fill'd with gifts." "...and gifting lifts
poor spirits..." ". . . everywhere!"
(a work in progress)
Saturday, December 24, 2022
Merry Xmas from Merryland
A shivering Judy and Jim channel Durante to sing:
"Didja ever get the feelin' that ya want it to snow
but still have the feelin' that ya wish'd it were May...?"
Friday, December 23, 2022
Banal Approach to Hal Roach
I saw some silent cinema,
a storm-sown tale o' wind-blown brollies.
Were it rainin' cats 'n' dogs...?
Much more: 'twere pourin' Stans 'n' Ollies!
a storm-sown tale o' wind-blown brollies.
Were it rainin' cats 'n' dogs...?
Much more: 'twere pourin' Stans 'n' Ollies!
Tuesday, December 20, 2022
A Duet of Derivative Durantes
Conscientious quarterback Colin Kaepernick sings:
"Didja ever get the feelin' you could 'go with the flow'
but still have the feelin' you should call a new play...?"
"Didja ever get the feelin' you could 'go with the flow'
but still have the feelin' you should call a new play...?"
Golf-Cheat-in-Chief Donald Drumpf sings:
"Didja ever get the feelin' that ya coulda turn'd pro
but still felt, 'not if made to play my balls as they lay'..?"
Monday, December 19, 2022
His Christmas Ballismus: Noelly Nonsense from a Christmas Card
Christmas, his lim'ricks turn Yuley
while his
bodily moves turn unruly.
jolts 'n' convulses,
shudders 'n' pulses
wintertides turbulent, truly.
limns Yuley lim'ricks come Christmas,
housed high on hill, isle or isthmus.
As he
As he
shapes 'em he shakes,
quivers 'n' quakes.
miss this, this Christmas: Ballismus!)
The Uly of these verses is obscure Nonsense
author/illustrator Ulysses Poe, whereas to limn
is to illustrate or describe in images or words.
The adjective-forming suffix '-y' added to 'Yule'
characterizes Poe's verse as being associated
with the winter holiday season, while 'ballismus,'
in addition to referencing certain involuntary
movements manifesting themselves as violent
jerking spasms, happens also to be the only
other word widely recognized as rhyming
with 'Christmas' and 'isthmus.' Incidently,
the poet's wife wishes to record her disavowal
of the thought expressed in these verses as
being wholly inappropriate to what should be
the true spirit of the season.
Notwithstanding all of the above, here's
wishing you and your lot a peaceful Christmas
and a prosperous and hope-filled New Year.
Ulysses Poe aka Jim Higgins
Resp: El, BF, Er, DP,
A Trio of Derivative Durantes and a Solitary Surrogate Cerf
Beckett's Estragon sings to his friend Vladimir:
"Didja ever get the feelin' you must wait for Godot
but still have the feelin' he ain't comin' today...?"
"Didja ever get the feelin' you must wait for Godot
but still have the feelin' he ain't comin' today...?"
Dancer Clayton Bates sings:
"Didja ever lose the feelin' in yer left pinkie toe
but still have the feelin' that the rest were okay...?"
Anonymous consumer of anabolic steroids sings:
"Didja ever get the feelin' that yer get-up-'n'-go
instills in you a feelin' that'll lead you astray...?"
Language...? Three kinds spring to mind.
Some's written; some's spoken; some's sign'd.
The first employs notes.
The second...? Folks' throats.
The third's thing...? Bring words to the blind.
The third's thing...? Bring words to the blind.
Saturday, December 17, 2022
Array "A Is For 'A'": An Illuminated Alphabet in Rhyme
Wednesday, December 14, 2022
47 Derivative Durantes or 36+ Views of Mount Banjo
Many are the Nonsense afficionados who
have enjoyed Il Schnozzola belting out what
PWWL considers that singular vaudevillian's
signature musical shtick -- the tune beginning
"Did you ever get the feeling that you wanted
to go but still have the feeling that you wanted
to stay...?" -- most memorably, perhaps, in his
star turn as the mummy-case-gifting Banjo in
the Warner Bros.' winter holiday classic film
"The Man Who Came to Dinner." And yet who
among them have acquainted themselves with
the performances of several almost identical
texts by the host of celebrities who, as Jimmy
would doubtless suggest, "just wanna get
into the act"...?
A shivering Xmas Eve Judy and Jim sing:
"Didja ever get the feelin' that ya wanted some snow
but still have the feelin' that ya wish'd it were May...?"
Conscientious quarterback Colin Kaepernick sings:
"Didja ever get the feelin' you should 'go with the flow'
but still have the feelin' you should call a new play...?"
"Didja ever get the feelin' you should 'go with the flow'
but still have the feelin' you should call a new play...?"
Golf cheat Donald Drumpf sings:
"Didja ever get the feelin' that you coulda turn'd pro
but still felt, 'Not if made to play my balls as they lay'..?"
Beckett's Estragon sings to his friend Vladimir:
"Didja ever get the feelin' you must wait for Godot
but still have the feelin' he ain't comin' today...?"
"Didja ever get the feelin' you must wait for Godot
but still have the feelin' he ain't comin' today...?"
Dancer Clayton Bates sings:
"Didja ever lose the feelin' in yer left pinkie toe
but still have the feelin' that the rest were okay...?"
Anonymous consumer of anabolic steroids sings:
"Didja ever get the feelin' that yer get-up-'n'-go
instills in you a feelin' that'll lead you astray...?"
Old Cowhand Bing Crosby sings:
"Didja ever get the feelin' that ya wanna '-ya-yo-...'
but still have the feelin' that ya wanna '-kayay!'...?"
House Speaker wannabe Kevin McCarthy sings:
"Did you ever get the feeling you're the beau-est-in-show
but still have the feeling you're a Nancy manqué...?"
Aesop's hare-racing tortoise sings:
"Did you ever get the feeling that your pace is too slow
but still have the feeling you can yet win the day...?
Sgt. N. ("Jim") Smithe-Magee (the N stands for 'Nonsense') sings:
"Did you ever get the feeling I'm the devil you know
but still feel the need to shout, 'The devil, you say!'..."
West Bank' resident Mahmoud Abbas sings:
"Did you ever get the feeling that you're now PLO
but still have the feeling that you're ex-CIA...?"
Scots poet Bobbie Burns sings:
"Did you ever get the feeling that you wanted 'my jo'
but still have the feeling that you wanted a brae...?"
Arctic explorer Admiral Robert Peary sings:
"Did you ever get the feeling that you wanted a floe
but still have the feeling that you wanted a sleigh...?"
Former richest man in world Elon Musk sings:
"Did you ever get the feeling you're the new CEO
but still have the feeling that you're just a TA...?"
Editorial assistant for Q&A at "Ask an Agnostic" website sings:
"Did you ever get the feeling that you want to ''Tis so-o-o!'
but still have the feeling that you want to "No wa-a-ay!'...?"
Failed religious postulant Maria von Trapp sings:
"Did you ever get the feeling that you wanted 'sol-do'
but still have the feeling that you wanted 'fa-re'...?"
Actress Josette Day sings:
"Did you ever get the feeling that you wanted Cocteau
but still have the feeling that you wanted Marais...?"
Korean American restauranteur David Chang sings:
"Did you ever get the feeling that you wanted kung po
but still have the feeling that you wanted satay...?"
Anonymous Franco-Japanese dance instructor sings:
"Did you ever get the feeling that you wanted buyo
but still have the feeling that you wanted ballet...?"
Divine Sarah Bernhardt sings:
"Did you ever get the feeling that you wanted Pierrot
but still have the feeling that you want Salomé...?"
Aussie-UK stage success Barry Humphries sings:
"Did you ever get the feeling that you wanted 'Hello'
but still have the feeling that you wanted 'Gedday'...?"
Master swordsman Cyrano de Bergerac sings:
"Did you ever get the feeling that you wanted 'ripo'-'
but still have the feeling that you wanted 'touche!'...?"
Mystery writer Agatha Christie sings:
"Did you ever get the feeling that you wanted Poirot
but still have the feeling that you wanted Maigret...?"
Man of a Thousand Voices Mel Blanc sings:
"Did you ever get the feeling that you wanted to crow
but still have the feeling that you wanted to bray...?
Postmodern architectural historian Charles Jencks sings:
"Did you ever get the feeling that you want van der Rohe
but still have the feeling that you want I.M. Pei...?"
Latin grammarian Donatus sings:
"Did you ever get the feeling that you wanted a 'quo'
but still have the feeling that you wanted a 'que'...?
French playwright Moliere sings:
"Did you ever get the feeling that you;d want a bon mot
but still have the feeling that you'd want a cliché...?"
Bald NBA Hall-of-famer Charles Barkley sings:
"Did you ever get the feeling that you wanted a 'fro
but still have the feeling that you[d want a toupee...?"
Model Parisian Maurice Chevalier sings:
"Did you ever get the feeling that you want a 'Mais non'
but still have the feeling that you want a 'C'est vrai'...?"
Filmmaker Werner Herzog sings:
"Did you ever get the feeling that you want a Lascaux
but still have the feeling that you want a Chauvet...?"
Anonymous spelling bee contestant sings:
"Did you ever get the feeling that you wanted an O
but still have the feeling that you wanted an A...?
Johanna Spyri's Swiss miss Heidi sings:
"Did you ever get the feeling that you want a chateau
but still have the feeling that you want a chalet...?
Capellophile Bartholomew Cubbins sings:
"Did you ever get the feeling that you want a chapeau
but still have the feeling that you want a beret...?"
Tonto's masked kemo sabe sings:
"Did you ever get the feeling that you want a 'Hi-yo!'
but still have the feeling that you want an '...away!'...?"
Anonymous credit card applicant sings:
"Did you ever get the feeling that you wanted to owe
but still have the feeling that you wanted to pay...?
Globe-trotting chef Anthony Bourdain sings:
"Did you ever get the feeling that you want a shad roe
but still have the feeling that you want a filet...?
Imagined Aer Lingus beverage service steward sings:
"Did you ever get the feeling that they wanted some joe
but still have the feeling that they wanted 'me tay'...?
Infamous gourmandizer Donald Drumpf sings:
"Did you ever get the feeling that you wanted gateau
but still have the feeling that you wanted brûlée...?"
Congressional vote-wrangler Nancy Pelosi sings:
"Did you ever get the feeling that you wanted a 'no'
but still have the feeling that you wanted a 'yea'...?"
Star Fleet Captain Jean-Luc Picard sings:
"Did you ever get the feeling that you wanted pekoe
but still have the feeling that you wanted Earl Grey...?"
Insatiable art collector Charles Foster Kane sings:
"Did you ever get the feeling that you wanted Miro
but still have the feeling that you wanted Millet...?
TV naturalist Steve Irwin sings:
"Did you ever get the feeling you're a modern Thoreau
but still have the feeling you're a modern John Ray...?"
Broadcast tour guide Rick Steves sings:
"Did you ever get the feeling that you wanted Bordeaux
but still have the feeling that wanted Marseille...?"
Self-proclaimed wine maven Orson Welles sings:
"Did you ever get the feeling that you want a merlot
but still have the feeling that you want a tokay...?"
Linguist Steven Pinker sings:
"Did you ever get the feeling that you want an 'Hello'
but still have the feeling that you want a 'Gule'*...?"
* Turkish for 'goodbye'
Art historian Kenneth Clark sings:
"Did you ever get the feeling that you want a Van Gogh
but still have the feeling that you want a Monet...?"
Wannabe Nonsense influencer Uly Poe sings:
"Did you ever get the feeling that you want it so-so
but still have the feeling that you want it outré...?"
An Alternate Take in Rhyme on Carroll's Gardener
He thought he saw Sorcha, his sister-in-law,
as she started to swallow her stepchildren -- raw.
He looked again. (Suffer'd his vision some flaw...?)
But, no: that's exactly the slaughter he saw.
as she started to swallow her stepchildren -- raw.
He looked again. (Suffer'd his vision some flaw...?)
But, no: that's exactly the slaughter he saw.
Tuesday, December 13, 2022
An Alternate Take in Rhyme...
...on Männ & Wagner, History.com & Willard
Hans Castorp's doctors discharge him: "You're fine";
Alberich errs, finds no gold in the Rhine.
On Rushmore the Borglums sculpt drag queen Divine...
and Arch paints "The Spirit of '79."
Monday, December 12, 2022
Sunday, December 11, 2022
A Dozen Alternate Takes in Rhyme...
...on Puccini & Browning, Evangelist Mark & Swift
Pinkerton's hit with paternity suit;
pest-control expert misplaces his flute.
Pregnant young Jewess books Bethlehem inn...
and Lem won't expound on the places he's been.
...on Shakespeare & Hart, Dostoyevsky & Hart again
"Let bygones be bygones," Othello avers;
she does go to Harlem in jewelry and furs.
F. Karamazov sires nothing but girls...
and she does enjoy crap games with barons and earls.
...on Raymond & Khayyam, Trendle/Striker & Austin
Emperor Ming Mongo's throne cedes to Flash;
tentmaker Omar writes, "Don't take the cash."
Tonto rides Silver; the Ranger rides Scout...
and Elizabeth Bennett has fin'lly come out.
...on Proust & Dickens, Alighieri & Milton
"What is that smell...?" asks Marcel -- "I forget";
the children of Dorrit pay off Daddy's debt.
Dante can't find his way out of the wood...
and Lucifer backtracks, embracing the good.
...on Melville & de Troyes, Seuss & Seurat
Ahab retires after killing the whale;
Lancelot pauses his search for the Grail.
"Does anyone still wear a hat...?" asks the Cat...
"Does anyone still wear a hat...?" asks the Cat...
and Sundays, gendarmes close the Ile de Grande Jatte.
...on Plato & Stow, Baum & Rabelais
Greek sage thinks truth's best observed from a cave;
Robin Hood, yeoman, gets hung as a knave.
Twister kills Kansas girl shelt'ring at home...
and Pantagruel's merely a feeble French gnome.
...on Burton & Mother Goose, Scott et al. & Moore
Sheherazade runs short of tales to relate;
Jack Spratt has put on a great deal of weight.
Ginger and Fred dance to waltzes by Strauss...
and creatures are stirring -- yes, even a mouse!
...on Hemingway & Mother Goose, Genesis & Ende
Elderly angler lands prize-winning fish;
the spoon can't -- or won't -- run away with the dish.
Abel and Cain disagree but part friends...
and that story we thought never-ending...? It ends.
Abel and Cain disagree but part friends...
and that story we thought never-ending...? It ends.
...on Bulwer-Lytton & Genesis, Milne & McCarthy/Buchman
Weather that night...? Neither stormy nor dark;
sun comes out -- Noah scraps plans for an ark.
Pooh tutors Piglet on gravity waves...
and, though urged to go wild, Theodora behaves.
...on Mankiewicz & Evangelist John, Thurber & the OT
Charles Foster Kane runs for POTUS -- and wins;
Jesus refuses to die for your sins.
Wallflower Mitty acknowledges truth...
and Boaz won't wed with the Moabite Ruth.
...on Borges & Carroll, Eliot/Conrad and Shakespeare
Funes gets Alzheimer's, moves to a home;
there aren't any raths -- leastwise none you'd call 'mome.'
Tom misquotes Joe: "Mistah Kurtz -- he ain't dead"...
and Will wills his widow his second-worst bed.
...on Genesis & HIstory.com, Shakespeare & Dickens
Adam tells Eve, "Not now, Darling -- I'm full";
George Armstrong Custer defeats Sitting Bull.
Macbeth runs away from that scrap with McDuff...
and Scrooge won't become a Noël-loving fluff.
Friday, December 9, 2022
A Half Dozen Alternate Takes in Rhyme...
...on Burton & Wodehouse, Ryder Haggard & Shakespeare
Woodcutter Baba joins two score of thieves;
Wooster sacks gentleman's gentleman Jeeves.
"She" isn't someone who must be obey'd...
and John Falstaff drinks only pink lemonade.
...on Defoe & Zinn, Chaucer & Jackson
Robinson Crusoe goes down with the ship;
Columbus gets seasick so cancels his trip.
Alys, a Bath bride, is giving up men...
and never will Destry ride -- ever again.
...on Melville & de Troyes, Seuss & Seurat
Ahab retires after killing the whale;
Lancelot pauses his search for the Grail.
"Does anyone still wear a hat...?" asks the Cat...
"Does anyone still wear a hat...?" asks the Cat...
and Sundays, gendarmes close the Ile de Grande Jatte.
...on Joyce & Proust, Cervantes and Fitzgerald
Bloom calls in sick on the 16th of June;
Swann sees his therapist each afternoon.
Quixote's dyslexic -- the Don cannot read...
Quixote's dyslexic -- the Don cannot read...
and Gatsby leaves all to his neighbors in need.
...on Shakespeare & Rousseau, Twain & Conan Doyle
Hamlet, in monologue: "Credit no ghost";
Marie Antoinette counters, "Let 'em eat toast!"
Huck, in the end, elects not to "light out"...
and Holmes fails to learn what that hound's all about.
...on Defoe & Zinn, Homer & Vergil
Friday and friends devour Robinson C;
Grant gets his clock clean'd by Robert E. Lee.
Odysseus determines to ne'er return home...
and it seems that not ev'ry road leads one to Rome.
Thursday, December 8, 2022
Tuesday, December 6, 2022
fishing lure that's hot to trot : bobber, rarin' ::
ne'er content with graft he's got : robber baron ::
clip cute colleen's locks -- a lot : bob our Erin ::
ne'er content with graft he's got : robber baron ::
clip cute colleen's locks -- a lot : bob our Erin ::
loot Melania's kid (the twat) : rob her Barron
Sunday, December 4, 2022
Arrays: "Broadsheet Daily" (some materials: a work in progress)
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Rev'd Spooner Meets Rev'd Carroll
He sought to thaw each thought he saw flee, frozen, from his mind. He peer'd again, then gear'd his pen, supposin' he'd...

PWWL is pleased to acknowledge the participation of friend-of-blog JD in creating this item. Collaboration in name, collaboration in pro...