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Friday, December 9, 2022

A Half Dozen Alternate Takes in Rhyme...

     ...on Burton & Wodehouse, Ryder Haggard & Shakespeare
Woodcutter Baba joins two score of thieves;
Wooster sacks gentleman's gentleman Jeeves.
"She" isn't someone who must be obey'd...
and John Falstaff drinks only pink lemonade.

     ...on Defoe & Zinn, Chaucer & Jackson

Robinson Crusoe goes down with the ship;
Columbus gets seasick so cancels his trip.
Alys, a Bath bride, is giving up men...
and never will Destry ride -- ever again.

     ...on Melville & de Troyes, Seuss & Seurat
Ahab retires after killing the whale;
Lancelot pauses his search for the Grail.
"Does anyone still wear a hat...?" asks the Cat...
and Sundays, gendarmes close the Ile de Grande Jatte. 

    ...on Joyce & Proust, Cervantes and Fitzgerald
Bloom calls in sick on the 16th of June;
Swann sees his therapist each afternoon.
Quixote's dyslexic -- the Don cannot read...
and Gatsby leaves all to his neighbors in need.

     ...on Shakespeare & Rousseau, Twain & Conan Doyle
Hamlet, in monologue: "Credit no ghost";
Marie Antoinette counters, "Let 'em eat toast!"
Huck, in the end, elects not to "light out"...
and Holmes fails to learn what that hound's all about.

     ...on Defoe & Zinn, Homer & Vergil 

Friday and friends devour Robinson C;
Grant gets his clock clean'd by Robert E. Lee.
Odysseus determines to ne'er return home...
and it seems that not ev'ry road leads one to Rome.

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