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Thursday, April 20, 2023

All 'IN' & Other Meterhymes

     All 'IN'
GINger sINgs, "We're IN the money..."
The Duke's IN an INdigo mood.
Eve's IN-a-gadd-da-vida...
as INtriguINg as Strange INterlude!
     Ramsey is IN with the IN-crowd.
Billy ("The Boss")...? IN like FlYNn.
Bix, some INsist, is, INdeed, IN a mist.
(Me...? Count me out: I'm all IN.)

     Opaque News 

Bjorn Soleil was born today 
while Clyde Sombré has died.
Did someone say Bjorn died today...? 
Said someone clearly lied.
"Nor met Clyde Death: Clyde yet draws breath," 
another someone said,
but then withdrew this view. "'Tis true: 
both Bjorn and Clyde are dead."

     Better Part of Valor
Most discover whene'er 
they're pursued by a bear*
they had better, with flair, 
"get the hell outta dere."
     *Shakespeare's The Winter's Tale, Act III.

Spirit of '73

The Comstock Act view’d as salacious 'n' lewd 

peoples' mailing of tools of abortion, 

meaning dilators, speculums, catheters, too... 

and that’s but a miniscule portion. 

Does all this entail I must wind up in jail 

just for purchasing coat hangers sent through the mail...?  

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