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Tuesday, May 23, 2023

My Vow

My vow...? No grave for me 'til he's 
in maximum security.
I'll ne'er give up the ghost before 
he's locked behind an iron door.
For me, no crypt, no pinewood box 
'til he's equip'd with nineteen locks.
I'll never walk Grim Reaper's route 
'til Don has donn'd his orange suit.

I will not die before the guy 
sits tuck'd away in prison,
nor pass away before this crazy's 
equitably jail'd.
I'll not expire before the liar's 
number's fin'lly risen --
'til all his legal eagles rest 
and all his pleas have fail'd.
I won't succumb before the bum's 
seen pacing in a cell --
his offspring having fail'd to spring him, 
be they, oh, so clever.
I shan't depart before this fart 
begins hard time in Hell. 
And if indictments soon aren't filed, 
I might just live forever.

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