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Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Carpe Diembryo! A Clutch of Eggcentric Ovaviews

     Great Eggs
Sam Dieggo, Josegg Reggo;
roebust Jack (Egg) Leeson;
add on Ronald ( Meggdonald):
great eggs are increasin.'

*   *   *   *   *

     Lay'd Egg

Hark, "Lay'd Egg" O'd'Eiva! Hop a-
board your gelding Belle.
They'll cheer as you appear atop a
nag au naturel...? 

*   *   *   *   *    


Len* thought Aleggsander
posed as Carl 'n' Bob's Deep Throeat.
But chegg your Wikipedia:
Mark Felt shall get your vote.

    *Len Colodny, along with Robert 
      Gettlin, in their book Silent Coup.

*   *   *   *   *


Uther's wife was Arthur's mom
and dwelt at Camelomelet,
the castle keep at royal court.
(It weren't no modest "homlet.")

*   *   *   *   *

 Herr Humperdinck with ink 'n' pen
 an op'ra writes. What's in it, then...?
 One witch...two kids...a candy house...
(The work's conducted first by Strauss.*)

   *Richard Georg Strauss, i.e., 
     in Weimar, 1893.

*   *   *   *   * 


Shiele's life...? 
A rank, impoeufect mess.
(My guess is: 
blank eggceeds quite like eggcess.) 

*   *   *   *   *
Eggamemnon went to Troy --
but not to ride the camels:
His eggsploits artisans deploy
on antegg Greek enamels.

*   *   *   *   *

     Eggnes Moorehen 

She hits her mark. She says her line.
She's ready for her closeup.
Through early scenes, Kane's mom does fine.
Then ovoid Orson grows up.

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