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Friday, February 9, 2018

"Alice, an Alice-blue alga..." Female Critters of Color Who Devour Their Mates

Libby, a lavender Labrador,
lusts for Oscar, an ochre-hued ocelot.
Lib admits to her crush. 
But Lib's, likewise, a lush,
so Lib lavishes love on the sauce a lot.

Callie, a Kelly-green kitten,
swoons for Salman, a salmon-hued salmon.
Feline Callie finds fish
such as Salman 'delish.'
"He's my guy, do or die, feast or famine."

Emma, an emerald emu,
esteems Hector, electric-blue gnu.
Em's love's so extreme 
she decks Hec with whipp'd cream
and a cherry. (Indeed: wouldn't you...?)

Vida, a violet viper,
feels for Francis, a forest-green frog.
Vida thought Francis looked 
just like frogs legs uncooked.   
Frank thought Vida looked just like a log.

Alma, an Alice-blue alga,
fancies Gracchus and Bacchus, black yaks.
To the query, "Why two...?" 
Alice parries, "So'd you:
each yak's knacks impact t'other yak's lacks."

Ruby, a ruby-red booby,
bride of Barry, a Barium bee.
keeps, as well, one vermilion, 
one blue crocodilian,
for four feast as frug'lly as three.

Liz, an alizarin lizard,
craves José, a beige budgerigar.
Although wedded to Ted, 
a woad Rhode Island Red,
she prefers her beige budgie (so far).

Kiki, a khaki okapi,
loves a buffalo -- buff-tinted Biff.
But an orange and wan-
colored orangutan
sports a quaff she finds spiffy. Meet Cliff!

Sue, a cerulean sea lion,
mad for Adam, a madder-hued adder,
digs, addition'lly, Cab, 
a dun Dungeness crab.
Sue's, indeed, due to feed on the latter.

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