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Wednesday, February 14, 2018

"Three Gershwins..." & Other Tripartite Situs Limn'd as Lim'ricks

A Shwin / Shwin / Lose Situation 

Three Gershwins seem show business pros.
There be George, brother Ira and Rose.
George's tunes are the best.
Ira's words pass the test.
Yet all shows of Ms. Rose quickly close.

A Wright / Wright / Wrong Situation  

Three Wrights seem a laudable trio.
There be Orville and Wilbur and Leo.
Orville's printing press...? Nifty.
"Burr"'s bicycles...? Thrifty.
Yet, Dio! Poor Leo lacks brio!

A Grant / Grant / Keep Situation 

Of Grants we observe more than two.
There's Ulysses. There's Gogi. There's Hugh.
Uly's POTUS -- two terms.
Gogi's hairdos are perms.
As to Hugh, I've no clue. Nor have you.

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