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Sunday, April 29, 2018

43 Errors in Alphabetical Order inAlphabetical Order

A is for:
'a little' under 'the weather'
'a man' after 'me own heart'
'are you' following 'me'

B is for:
'bassoons sound' lower than 'flutes'

C is for:
'conducting my' post 'mortem'

D is for:
'down' behind 'enemy lines'
'desire' under 'the elms'

E is for:
'eggs' over 'easy'

F is for:
'far' above 'Cuyoga’s waters'

G is for:
'get thee' behind 'me Satin'

H is for:
'H' before 'B-U-T'
'hitting' below 'the belt'

I is for:
'i' before 'e (except after c)'
'it’s right' under 'your nose'
'I’ve got you' under 'my skin'

J is for:
'June is bustin’ out all' over 'all over the meadow and the hill'

K is for:
'Kilimanjaro’s' higher than 'Mount Everest'

L is for:
'lies' just below 'the surface'

M is for:
'mind' over 'matter'
'move' over 'darling'

N is for:
'no one arrives' later than 'George'

O is for:
'one flew' over 'the cuckoo‘s nest'

P is for:
'please sing' on top of 'old smoky'
putting 'one' over 'on Boehner'

Q is for:
'quit' prior to 'getting caught'

R is for:
'relaxing' apres 'ski'
'right' in front of 'my eyes'

S is for:
'she‘s walking' behind 'you'
'shred' ahead of 'lettuce'
'sit' in back of 'the bus'
'starred in' ante 'maim'

T is for:
'the' preceding 'is a paid political announcement'
'thyme' after 'time'
'two years' before 'the mast'

U is for:
'up' above 'the world so high'

V is for:
'van Gogh's' over 'the top'

W is for:
' W thinks he’s' above 'the law'
'well' above 'the speed limit'

X is for:
'Xaviera’s' leading 'man'

Y is for:
'yet wave' o’er 'the land of the free'
'you’re' above 'suspicion'
'you’ve got me' in between 'the devil' and 'the deep blue sea'

Z is for:
'ziggurats found' atop 'underground tombs'

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