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Sunday, April 29, 2018

A Version of Straw or A R T S Variations: A Constrained Anagram

A version of 'straw' drawled dans rural UK  or

some Sunnis, of whom one is labeled "Uday."   

     [STRA or SART]

Sister Tee-Anne, my parochial school third-grade teach-... (the ol' bat) – or

some "mice" (see 'S' RAT*)    

     [SR. T. A. or RATS]

A "s(m)art" reassembly (its order's reversed!)  or

a heav(enl)y body (Let's hope she don't burst!)   

     [TRA'S, i.e., S'ART  backwards, or STAR]

Certain tin coins, known to net but small worth  or

some vocables sung 'round the day of His birth."    

     [Both TRAS, or, "TRA"s -- 'tra-la-la's]

A half man/half goat  or

the 19th lab rodent (See RATS*) in experiments needing a coat.

     SAT'R (sat(y)r) or 'S' RAT – i.e., 19th in the series

More than the single aesthetical skill  or

to take into "custodie officielle."  

     [ARTS or AR'ST (ar(re)st)]

Imperial Russia's ex-ruler (so-called)  or

"Tough Twinkies, Herr Sun God! (You've heard not? He's bald!

     [TSAR or T.S., RA!]

The Student Achievement Test taken for Russeor

the road from Caracas to Chile's caboose.

     [RSAT or RT. SA (Rt. South America, i.e., some trans-American highway or other)]

Aromas and odors, some scents and a smell  or

Art (Fish 'n’ Chips) Treacher's ol' paterfamil-'.  

     [AT'RS (at(ta)rs) or A.T., SR. (A.T. Sr.)]

The past participle of "reest" -- viz., "to balk" (lingua veterinarian) -- or...


     [RAST or R'STA (r(a)sta)]

Early to rise – or,

according to one or another criterion, categorize.  

     [AST'R (ast(i)r) or AS'RT (as(so)rt)]

Electroshock gun, used precipitously  or

Brit sailors (named Jack, serendipitously).  

     [TAS'R (tas(e)r) or TARS]

A half man/half goat running ' reverse (cf  SAT'R above) or

the end of this verse!

     [R'TAS (i.e., SAT'R  (sat(y)r) spelt backwards]

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