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Thursday, April 5, 2018

There Are Ys In 'My Eyes' (A Nonsense ABC)

I spy an 'a'...down at the far end of 'our sofa.'

Some spot a second at the bottom of 'the sea.'

One more (a third) appears to occupy the middle of each 'day.'

(One marks the end of every 'era,' b'lieve you me.)

Three 'b's lie sleeping, there, inside each 'baby's crib'...

and on my cousin’s rocking 'zebra,' too, a 'b.'

Some someone thrust -- of all the crust! -- a 'c' in front of Uncle's 'car'...

then added handfuls to Gran's 'chicken cacciatore.' (How bizarre!)

As for the 'c' inside Mum's 'ice,' claims Mum: "'Just tea!"

You need a 'd'? One's near the bottom of 'our garden.'

A silent 'e's tied to the tail-end of 'my kite.'

An 'f,' demure (though opportune, arriving just before high tea),

comes early in each 'afternoon' -- an ancillary point d'appui...

with neither cosy, cup nor spoon -- all too jejune, it seems to me...

(A giant 'G' lurks in the middle of the 'niGht').

An 'h' floats, freestyle, near the middle of 'my bathtub.'

There sits another, wa-a-a-ay up high -- top of the 'heap.'

I spy one 'i' (not four, not five) 'bout halfway down a neighbor's 'drive.'

And -- Ja! -- I've seen that 'J' in front of 'Junior's Jeep.'

Look for a 'k' down at the far end of 'the running track.'

Two 'l's -- lost? -- linger at the far end of 'the hall.'

About those 'l's we've all heard tell lie at the bottom of 'the well'?

Hell's bells! They're there! (An 'm' looms halfway 'cross 'the mall.')

Note well the 'n': one's at the bottom of 'the ocean.'

Next to the last of 'The Mohicans' stands an 'n.'

.Anf...oh!: an 'o' sits in the middle of Aunt Violet's 'viola.'

Oops! I missed one 'n': there's one -- behind 'those men.'

How come a pair of 'p's appears inside 'my apple'?

(One 'p's most prompt, arriving early ev'ry 'Spring.')

And yet, how queer to see a 'q', there in the middle of 'a marquee'...

though an 'r' to start a 'race' seems just the thing.

Some say, "There's 's's at the soul of every 'issue'..."

then shout about one special 's'...back of 'the bus.'

They warn us: "Never drop the 't' from the beginning of 'time'..."

and that a 'u's much like an 's': "Both part of 'us'!"

Then, in 'November' -- on the 3rd -- arrives a 'v.'

Who'll find the 'w' which sits at 'rainbow''s end?

And, pray tell, who has been the someone hiding 'x's in 'Sox boxes'?

(Let's assume -- for now! -- that someone is a friend.)

As for the 'y'? It’s in the middle of my 'eye.'

(One more's midtown -- smack in the middle of 'New York.')

And, fin'lly, 'z's, so good with cheese, sit in the middle of my 'pizza.'

Time to get a life! Come, wife: a knife...a fork!! 

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(Verses and images to come:  a work in progress.) HAMPDEN  DAMP HEN DAPHNE M.  MEAN PHD DAPH 'N’ ME  H, P, M AND E    …AND HEMP  Bandid...