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Friday, April 13, 2018

"There's antique fuchsia, android green, There's mocha amd Morello..." Yoke Book: An Abecedarial Monochrome Chapbook in Rhyme

There’s antique fuchsia, android green. There’s mocha and Morello.
Still, look around! Gold hues abound. Beyond the sun, what’s yellow?

Well…there’s yellow angel, alabaster, aureolin yellow.
There’s Yellow-book, -boy, butter, -belly, bright banana yellow.

There’s chrome, canary, cadmium, chalk, citronella yellow.
There’s yellow dogs and yellow days, dal, dun, dark duck-wing yellow.

There’s yellow eel, egg, Yellow Emperor. There’s ecru yellow.
There’s Yellow Fever, fustic, Yellow Fir, fire, Foxglove Yellow,

There’s Giallo Yellow, Golden Girl. There’s Granadilla Yellow.
There’s hornets, honeysuckle, Yellow Hercules, high yellow.

There’s iv’ry, iris, yellowish. There’s ice. There’s Injun Yellow.
There’s jaundice, -jackets, Juden, yellow journalism, Jello.

There’s khaki, Yellow kid, King Christian IX, Kasseri yellow.
There’s lemon yellow, Yellow Lake, legumes, Limburger yellow.

There’s mustard, madder, mozzarella , maize, mush, Mellow Yellow.
There’s Yellow Newtown, Yellow Nightshade, Nec-plus-Ultra yellow.

There’s ochre, oxeye, orpiment, oil, oleander yellow.
There’s primrose, yellow press, pee, yellow plush. There’s Peril, Yellow.

There’s Quaker Green, quince, quinoline, Quechua, quartz, quasi-yellow.
There’s yellow ribbon, Yellow Rose of Texas, Raclette Yellow.

There’s saffron, Yellow Sally, sandalwood, soft sepia yellow.
There’s turmeric, -tail, tartrazine. There’s tan. There’s Tilset yellow.

There’s urine yellow, urochrome. There’s Urobilin yellow.
There’s Valencay, Vachino, vomit. There’s vanilla yellow.

There’s Yellow Warbler, Yellow Wu, -ware, whey, Wurzburger yellow.
There’s xanthene, xanthone, xenia. There’s Xanthoseph’lus Yellow.

There’s yeast, yolk, yam, young fustic, Yangtao, Ypsilanti Yellow.
There’s Yellow Zonkers, Zinfandel, Zabaglione yellow.

(There is, withal, a mx of gall and pancreatic juice:
It’s yellow, too, not cobalt blue – and certainly not puce.)

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(Verses and images to come:  a work in progress.) HAMPDEN  DAMP HEN DAPHNE M.  MEAN PHD DAPH 'N’ ME  H, P, M AND E    …AND HEMP  Bandid...