(Big sneeze starts it? It’s true!)*
Charleston’s caribou** chew***
on Don's didgeridoo.****
* Hungarian superstition has it that a sneeze accompanying
a storyteller's tale confirms it's truth, no matter how outlandish
said tale may sound -- or so insists Zoltan Kodaly in explaining
the "sneeze simulation" measures kicking off his folk opera
"Hary Janos."
* The plural is formed with or without an 's.'
** Perhaps a Charleston Chew?
*** Duck? Trump? Ameche? Diego de la Vega? In any case,
somebody saddled an unidentified Donald with a taste for offbeat
musical instruments.
Esrom. Fetid! Foul! Whew!*
(Is that false? Nope, that’s true.)
But, gosh: give it it's due!
Halt your hullabaloo!)
* A cow’s milk cheese with a pungent aroma.
Smell I Istrian Stew?
Made with Japanese yew?
Says who? Kanga! (Roo, too,*
which leaves loads left to do.)
Drop I Methylene Blue
doos? Nope! Not in our loo!
Off'ring "Ol' lamps for new..." --
plaited palm or bamboo.*
* The "ol' switcheroo" performed upon the cry, "New lamps
for old..." heard in Scheherazade's "Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves."
Precisely who makes the offer here remains unclear; nor are
lamps fashioned from reeds or raffia deemed safe.
"Make it quick! Put me through!
Really, ree-e-e-ea-ly big shew!
Special: 'Skip to my Lou'
follows tirami su..."*
* TV Impresario Ed Sullivan appears to be alerting his audience
of his intention to provide them one or more exotic desserts and
a round of folk dancing as a suite of special addenda to one of his
weekly variety hours.
What is that on your shoe?
Ugh! 'Tain't Vitamin Q.
Oy! The Wandering Jew
wonders, "'X' stands for...who? "
* The Wandering Jew, interestingly (in light of the first line)
a shoemaker in some versions of his legend, well knows that 'X'
sands for the Christ -- the very cove he's been looking for. Vitamin Q
is, of course, a dietary supplement promoting a search for answers.
What’s, then, your new world view?
Way more A.C.L.U.?
Climate change? Déjà vu?
Twitter? ZOMBIES…? (Adieu!)
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