Not unpleasant to know? Mr. Eliot,*
for whose love songs folk failed to make beelines
(“Prufrock” pruvin' confrusin' [sic]) till he at-
tempts his yack about practical felines.
After Cats – notwithstanding Tom's smelly at-
tire (he'd died) -- all applauded the work
of the pleasant-to-know Mr. Eliot --
though he'd driven his missus berserk.
* T. S. Eliot (1888-1965)
Also pleasant to know: Mr. Eggers,*
sired by Lasiocampidae-Moth**out of Cancer-Ward-Victim*** (poor beggars!)
Less had wrought any lesser man wroth.
Megan Abbott’s, “Dave’s stoic…” shows Meg**** errs:
There's much angst in A Heartbreaking Work…
and in pleasant-to-know Mr. Eggers.
(That's no smile: just Dave’s strife-induced smirk.)
* Dave Eggers (1970- )
** The
Lasiocampidae are a family of moths also known as eggars.
*** Both
Dave's parents suffered cancer-related deaths.
**** Author,
journalist and blogger Megan Abbott
Not unpleasant to know? Mr.
he who authored The Well of
Lost Plots.**Does the name 'Thursday Next'*** strike no chord?
For this heroine, who’s got no hots?
Though Fforde now plays with sorc'ry and sword,
It’s his Thursday I like. How much? Lots!
Her and pleasant-to-know Mr. Fforde:
The pair ties me in "Ffordean" knots.
* Jasper Fford
** One of
his most popular novels
*** The
protagonist in Well and other novels
Also pleasant to know's Flann
His At Swim-Two-Birds
Ms. Filipova** translates (unless my Google be lyin')
as "Plavashtite Chavki." [Jee--hovah!!]
Dare one hope folks don't feel one's a fly in
storied oint when we point to the tipple
as what silenced once-pleasant O'Brien?
That...and cancer...and Dublin: banes triple!
* One pseudonym of Brian O'Nolan
** Filipina
Filipova is a Bulgarian-to-English translator
Not unpleasant to know? David
Though Dave's
spinet piano sounds dandy,David finds himself making this wish: "Erg-
onomicly plann'd ones: more handy?
If I play'd one, those sizeable fissures G-
od forbodes in my modes operandi
I’d avoid. Sigmund Freud!” raves Dave Frishberg.
(My advice? Buy a nice concert grand, D!)
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