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Monday, June 25, 2018

"When asked, 'Have you...'" Beyond 'Bucket' Pas(s/t) the Buck(et List): A Constrained Nonsense Crambo

When asked, “Have you your bucket list to flesh out waning days...?”
I answer, “I’ve my duck it list. I’ve shunn'd that former craze.”
I’ve also drawn up chuck it lists for chores I shan’t discharge.
It’s filed with my upchuck it list -- a fetid file...and large.)

I’ve jotted sev'ral suck it lists to treat of life’s defeats.
My yuck! it list keeps track of folk who tweet unseemly tweets.
I’ve got a nip ‘n’ tuck it list – some lipo for my rear.
Close follows on: my ducat list. (Those lipo jobs come dear.) 

sked, “Have you made your shuck it list of turnpikes you’ve not taken...?”
I answer. “My amok it list’s the syllabus I’m makin.’”
No “Walk!” Must run! No talk, just fun. Perhaps I’ll steal a raft.
(That item tops my Tom ‘n’ Huck it list. Some say I’m daft.)

My peers pen Sears Roebuck it lists to index stuff they’d buy.
They’ll need some megabuck it lists as debit cards run dry.
When dawns that day, their names I’ll spray on out o’ luck it lists.
(Or else they’ll make my schmuck it list, of clucks who shake clench’d fists.)

When show me their Canuck it list do lads from Saskatoon,
I read ‘em my Nantucket list, with no aim to impugn,
then flash 'em Winnemucca lists (avoiding Sparks, Nevada.)
We've all got pass the buck it lists: who claims we don’t knows nada.) 

I keep a Habakkuk it list for biblical perspective. 
A peep at my lame duck it list pegs pols who’re ineffective. 
I keep a keep on truckin’ list to index all my lists.
At length I'll need my f**k it list, when set to slit my wrists.

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