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Monday, June 25, 2018

"One pair of /shu:t/s (one spelt it 'Shute')..." One Pair... & Others or Pairs of Pairings Not Pomaceous: A Constrained Nonsense Rhyme

One pair* of /shu:t/s** (one*** spelt it ‘Shute’)
once shared one pair of parachutes.
The shrewd galoots proved resolute: 
they'd wear, unaired, wet Wellie boots.
    * The first of the duo is Marchette Chute.  
    ** 'sh' here substitutes for a proper but 
undownloadable (at least by me) symbol 
for the fricative.
    *** The second of the duo is Nevil Shute. 

One pair of Bulls* from local shuls** 
declared one pair of parables.
One’s Mike; one's Scott. If heed's paid, you’ll
note knells untolled at tractor pulls.
     * NBA Chicago-type.
     ** Funny: they don't look Jewish.

One pair of grins – one's yang, one's yin –
once graced one pair of peregrines.* 
“Good day, friend Minh.” “How fares ye, Flynn...?”
(If frowns such clowns wear, no one wins.)
     * Not falcons but characters from foreign 
countries -- 
Viet Nam and Ireland, probably, judging by 
the names.

One pair of pets were ordered, “Get
thee b’yond yon pair of parapets!”
Their fate? No fete. (Here, on cassette,
view “Tigh and Tigger’s Death Duets.”)

One pair of Sauls from Montreal
installs one pair of parasols.
Just who plants whose none now recalls,
nor are there pressing protocols. 

One pair of dice – much-needed spice –
she’d introduce in Paradise.
“Eve! You’d entice? Heed Asp’s advice.
Uns-s-s-sliced, one apple will s-s-s-suffice.” 

One pair of Moores* one can’t ignore
once took one pair of paramours,
new senses ceding (veiled before)
to turns of phrase like “two-by-fours.”**
      * Michael and Mary Tyler and their 
respective partners. 
      ** Some early manuscripts transmitting 
these verses show “hardwood floors” or 
"foreign shores" here.

One pair of graphs (one can’t but laugh)
attempts one pair of paragraphs
to paraphrase, though just one half 
proves readable; the rest is chaff.

One peer of Keats (some l’hommes d’elites)
repeats one pair of parakeets’
loquacity: “Too-wheet, too-wheet!”
(L’eclairess’ment: “What’s shakin,’ Sweets?”) 

One pair of docs (one Groucho mocks)
apparently’s one paradox:
The short one’s wily as an ox.
The shorter? Dumber than a fox!

Two pairs of dimes – amalgams I’m
to view as pairs of paradigms
(financial fall guys for tough times) –
now fail, I fear, to “k’ching!” my chimes. 

One pair of Finns did, for their sins,
smear pairs of beards with paraffins.
That each bears pairs of double chins
dimmed damage to respective skins.

Of all accounts of pairs of mounts
in Lit, which pair be paramount?
If Silver Rosinant’ surmounts,
does Dapple Tonto’s Scout discount?

Do “noids” of Freud’s wax overjoyed,
annoying pairs of paranoids?
Of pity Sigmund proves devoid,
while Anna schizoids now avoids. 

One pair of lies (who’ll posit “why?”s?)
will petrify and paralyze.
The first? That God bestrides the skies. 
The second? That She prophesies. 

One pair of Rays (so someone says)
twin virelays in paraphrase
determined to compose…in days!
Fiasco? Let me count the ways. 

One pair of sites sits trained tonight
upon one pair of parasites.
Before they flee (row left, flow right),
let fly…and nuke their leukocites!

One pair of Ds (thus: PAR-OD-DY)
misspells completely ‘parodies’
and orthographic’lly ODs…
unless one’s speaking Parrotese.  

One pair of cleats to prink two feet,
one each for pairs of Paracletes.
Two’d be taboo; yet still they’re fleet.
Pete* poached the pair. (Pete always cheats.)
     * Precisely which Peter continues 

One pair of blasts, one day long past,
destroyed one pair of parablasts.
One film crew on the scene was gassed.
Press sketches? Neither’s Nast’s or Chast’s.

One pair of cells, one chemist tells,
invade one pair of paraceles
within one’s brain, where – swell! – they’ll swell,
until one’s hearing “boids ‘n’ bells.” 

Who’ll dare to share au pairs – in pairs –
with Herr Moliere? Au pairs like theirs
could care for heirs of trillionaires.
(Their nightmares? Or their answered prayers?) 

One pair of guys (Would I tell lies?)
discovered pairs of Paraguays.
The one? A tropic paradise.
The other? Hot 'neath Paris skies.

Parameters? I don’t know yours,
but mine rate pairs of amateurs
who’re fabricating haut coutures.
(One hopes that “off-the-rack” endures.)

"A couple of parabolas,"
declared one pair of gabblers,
"results in psychobabble, sirs,
from mathematics dabblers." 

Paracelsus and a pair o’ seltzers await 
versification: a work in progress

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