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Saturday, July 7, 2018

"At the first sign of thirst,,," Apprentice the Menace or What Do You Do?

At the first sign of thirst, true friends pour you a brew.
But when tyrants let fly rants, then what do you do?

Predawn, when you're yawning, you count sheep: "One...two..."
When Big Bully's brain's woolly, then what do you do?

When red states reach dead states, you reboot in blue.
But when votin's verboten, then what do you do?

Your pol you recall when he/she has no clew.
When Herr "Hairdo"'s a ne'er-do-well, what do you do?

The air's grown unbearable? Pink slip The Pru!
When Big Babies spread scabies, then what do you do?

(More to come: a work in progress)

When Cap Capon's a moron, then what do you do?

When His Hairness cou'n't care less, then what do you do?

When Der Ruler's a fool, er...then what do you do?

But when thugs lie like rugs, then...then what do you do? 

But when Don J.'s Chief Con A., then what do you do?

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