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Wednesday, July 4, 2018

"Unusual viewing, Aurora Australis..." Looking Through the 'Alis' Glass or Jaberwocky Weather: A Constrained Abecedarial Nonsense in Rhyme (incomplete)

Unusual viewing, Aurora Australis.
It lights up the south pole. It ain’t Borealis.
To laugh at such naffness you’d have to be callous.
Who knew you can’t view it from D.C. or Dallas?

Another phenomenon, nifty et. al. is
the mistral. ‘Twould take a femina fatalis
a girlie with gams garbed in garter or gallus –
to say it ain’t fabulous. Even George Halas
has hailed it his “fav’rite big wind, inter alles” –
so much so that lesser gusts claim they are “j’alous.”

A third, the monsoon, praised by cricketer Kallis,
is also endorsed by ex-footballer Lalas…
…aforethought with malice bears poet Novalis…

…slick Jackie Onallis (sic)…Palace de Phallus…
…declines ‘qualis, qualis’ for Traci Rogalis…
…as Telly Savalas stiffs young Thomas Tallis…

…”Deutschland Uber Alles”…twin tubes of Vitalis…
…Prince Edward, with Wallis…Kab’larian’s ‘Xalis’…
…for all we know, y’all like to spell Xalis 'Zallis'!

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