Astele Astaire
attempts a sarabande, an ara and...
as Amos
and amigo Andy ace an allemande.
Br'er Bubbles bops.
Buck Bunny Hops. Bold Busby Berkeley scenes...
boast borscht-belt buddies Bloom and Bialystock beginning brisk beguines.
Cut, Cyd
Charisse! Chic Czardas cease! (Can-cans can't clock Cerocs!)...
Cor! Cunegonde
and crush Candide can’t cut cute Castle Walks.
Dim Donald
rants, “Damn Dragon dance!” (Don’s done: dropped, dumped, de-jobbed!)...
Don't Doc and Dopey (Doc’s disciple) disco -- Danse Macabr’d?
Each East Coast
Swing by Elvis earns a 10 in Tennessee...
e-e-eas'ly edging Edie and “Eed”’s escort Ernie’s
Fie, Frug!
Flee, Fly! Le Freak? Bye-bye! Fads fail – so: fade already!
(Though Frick
and famed familiar Frack effect one frabjous
The Gerdts’
Gavotte blows cold 'n' hot. Their Galliard’s frankly fair...
But Gomer's goofy gofer Goob's “got game.” Great Grizzly Bear!
How Han and
Baka’s hearty Haka – hopped to karaoke –
hammers Hengest
and his homey Horsa’s halting Hokie-Pokie!
I’m (like), “I
like Ike’s Ike Dance. Its coequal? Nowt comes close!
It’s like (like)
Ishmael’s infat’ate Isaac’s Ikar’otikos!”
John’s gentle
Jewish Jesus jogs just jigs; he cuts few rugs...
just as Jorinde
and Joringel, jailmates, jive few Jitterbugs.
The Khons of Kottar’kara’s
kin (in K’rala, ‘burb of Bali)
cause young
Kipling’s cooked-up creature Kim to craft crack Kathakali.
Last For One’s
Lambadas lead to lots of agitprop
but lambaste
Lena and late lover Lennie’s listless Lindy Hop.
Martha Graham’s
manic mayhem mimics mad tornadoes,
making Mork and
main-squeeze Mindy’s Mambo more like mashed potatoes.
Nijinski’s Numa
Numas? Nyet! They’re nada. Next, his Jotas
‘nable Nora and
naff near-‘n’-dearest Nick to nail nine Notas.
(“Pre’brazhensk’a owns the One
Step!” -- Dance Tbilisi)
outdoes Ozma
and her old man Oz’s onerous Odissi.
Pavanes by
Powell provoke a howl (Pachanga Parties rule!),
thus prompting Pantagruel’s
– please: pace, Panurge! – plodding
“Pas de Duel.”
“Quicksteps…and hurry!” Arthur Murray’s queering his
So Quixote’s
“quid/quo” Quackenbush quips, “Try an Irish Reel!”
(Ginger)! Risking injury, her Reggae ‘numba’
ruins Rusty and
(R-r-ruff!) right hand Rin-tin-tin’s recumbent
Sof’ane Sylve’s
Single Swing sinks Shearer’s Sevillanas.
So Sebastian’s
second self Sebastien soft
shoes Sardanas.
T. Tharp’s atop
Tune, Tommy’s harp. Tall Tommy trots his Two-Step.
Another Tom, with teammate Tuppence, Twists – a
tried ‘n’ true step.
Upa urges Upa-Habaneras
– not a new dance –
until Umar and
his umbra Uthman undertake their U-dance.
Voltas by
Travolta, vintage Vals by Valentino
vie with
Victor’s vis-à-vis Victoria’s Vamp – vamp’d stamping vino).
Wendy Whalen’s
Waltz (Wend’s wailin’!) wins a first
for poor dance.
whistler, with his wingman Wilde, whips up one wicked Wardance.
The fourteenth
Louie’s Texas Tom turns Maxixes to Xangos,
ush’ring X-Man
and his xerox X-Gal toward X-rated Tangos.
YMCA’s yucky…much like her Yabolchko.
Yet, young Yin
and yokemate/”Yes”man Yang’s Yang Ge still
takes top taco.
Zydeco zaps Zorba’s Zorba dance.
(As for
Zeisberger and zweister Zinzendorf? Zounds!
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