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Thursday, September 20, 2018

"He calls her aunt..." Name Calling; or, He Calls/She Calls: A Nonsense Alphabet

(This isn't called 'nonsense' for nothing.)

It's "h
e calls/she calls, she calls/he calls," 
all call'd oddball names. 
Be "she calls/he calls, he calls/she calls" 
homonymble games? 

He calls her aunt 'Aunt Tipp O'Dees.' 
So solitary, she. 
She calls his brother 'Brother ‘Hood.' 
Small-town. Small-time. (Small t.)

She calls his cat 'Cat Astrofee,' 
a "fee"-line wild when wet. 
He calls her dog 'Dog Mattic.' 
Spot's her high-'n'-mighty pet!


He calls her eyes 'Eye Tinnerants.' 
One's lazy. One's oblique. 
She calls his face 'Face Seeshuss.' 
Wily. Wry. And tongue-in-cheek.

She calls his gal 'Gal Lip O'Lee.' 
Gal sheds Italic tears. 
He calls her home 'Home Eric.' 
She's lived rough a score of years.

He calls her ire 'Ire Restmycase.' 
Her rages swiftly wane. 
She calls his jests 'Jest Tickle-8s.' 
He lives to yank her chain.


She calls his kiss 'Kiss Seamy.' 
Both his lips be woebegones. 
He calls her legs 'Leg Yumes'n'peas.' 
All tops for hops on johns.*
     * And for Hoppin' John as well, 
of course.

He calls her mom 'Mom Mentum.' 
Ma's one universal force. 
She calls his neon 'Neon Nate.' 
"Let there be light"? Of course.

She calls his "om" 'Om Mega.' 
'Om''s the final word in wu.* 
He calls her pies 'Pies Zannoze.' 
He prefers peach pies. (Don't you?)
     * Wu is a Chinese equivalent 
to enlightenment.


He calls her quips 'Quips Psychosi?'* 
when sanity's in doubt. 
She calls his rap 'Rap Unzel' 
when it lets stuff all hang out. 
     * Roughly, "She's nutty, right?" 
in Late (very Late) Latin.

She calls his shoe 'Shoe Doldacquaint'
to dance each New Year in.
He calls her tie 'Tie Maftertime.'
(Same tie,'in.)

He calls her urn 'Urn Extrabucks.'
She hides one dime each week.
She calls his vest 'Vestibulees,'
a well-dressed ancient Greek.


She calls his wig 'Wig Getthejoke.'
He lives for Halloween.
He calls her X 'X Marksthespot.'
Not here. Not there. Between!

He calls her Yule 'Yule Walkalone.'
Her same sad Xmas story.
She calls his zen 'Zen Offtosleep."
He snoozes through satori.

It's he calls/she calls, she calls/he calls:
homonymble games.
(But though they both call -- he calls/she calls --
neither calls me 'James.')

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