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Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Abel's Up in the Air or 13 Losers: a Nonsense DIY

Abel's up in the air.
Sluggish out of the box.
Lax when after the fox. 
Unlike NFL ___________.

lox   jocks   flocks   socks   cocks   docs

Cedric’s earn’d our contempt.
Always down in the dumps.
Can’t get over speed bumps
Loath to taking his ___________.

mumps   jumps   lumps   humps   thumps

Efrem’s up to his ears.
Grazes outside the fence.
Months behind with his rents.
Isn’t worth your two _____________.

pence   stents  Kents   cents   gents   dents

Gerhardt’s up to no good.
Skirts the top of the heap.
Won't look after his sheep.
Those who read of him _____________ .

creep   peep   reap   sleep   weep   (bleep)

Ilja skates on thin ice.
Never’s in on the joke.
Piglet in his own poke.
Someone fix him: he's ___________.

smoke   Coke   woke   broke

Kyle spends life on his knees.
Too far out on a limb.
He gives in to each whim
Senor Blue-Sky: that's ___________.

brim   vim   Tim   grim   him

Manute's lacking a map.
Won't abandon the nest.
Last bloke in on each jest.
Manute! Give it a _____.

test   breast   chest   guest   pest   rest

Opie’s down (some say "out").
Well beyond the perim-.  
Opie’s nearing his lim-.  
(The whole gang feels for _________.

shim   Tim   brim   vim   him   Jim

Quark keeps on the QT.
Never's off to the races.
Can’t match our swift paces:
It’s the saddest of ________________.

aces   braces   cases   faces   places   maces 

Steve lives under a spell.
Always over the top.
Self esteem? Not one drop.
Even fails as a _________________

cop   mop   flop   pop

Uve’s down the "up" stair,
doesn’t lower his voice.
Options? None that are choice..
(In short, not very _______.

Boyce   noice   Joyce                                                                                                         
Waxman’s kept under wraps.
He's (without the "X" factor)
toss'd under the tractor.
(His wife? Friends __________.)

redact her   just sack'd her   bush-whack'd 'er   unpack’d her   

Yazzer’s "back of the yards,"
too far out of the zone,
well beyond reach by phone.
(Someone! Throw Yaz a _____!)

cone   drone   moan   roan   crone   bone

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(Verses and images to come:  a work in progress.) HAMPDEN  DAMP HEN DAPHNE M.  MEAN PHD DAPH 'N’ ME  H, P, M AND E    …AND HEMP  Bandid...