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Friday, February 8, 2019

Those Antilipos, Those Antieyesores!

Stanza two below appears identical to stanza one. Yet does a close reading of that stanza provide affect identical to that provided by a close reading of the first?

Meet Mr. Peter E. DeVere.
He's penn'd these verses -- penn'd 'em well.
There's ten 'n' seventeen 'e's here.
(Seen here? Ten newer 'e's. Hell's bell!)
Where next these verses' feet be met,
we'll feel Pete's fresher sense, we bet. 

Meet Mr. Peter E. DeVere.
He's penn'd these verses -- penn'd 'em well.
There's ten 'n' seventeen 'e's here.
(Seen here? Ten newer 'e's. Hell's bell!)
Where next these verses' feet be met,
we'll feel Pete's fresher sense, we bet. 

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