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Monday, August 26, 2019

Crambos in '-ambo's 'n' '-ar's

Twinkle, twinkle, Mother Crambo!
Sing through wrinkles, crambo’d star!
Regale me tales with tails in '-ambo' --
Mary had a little lambo --
naming names containing ‘-ar.’

Rales deliver’d from your ambo.
Alcazar and Roseanne Barr.
Sing bamboo (but term it ‘bambo’).
Bring it, briskly – bam, bam, bambo!
Vicki Carr, the DAR.

Chowders – fish and corn and clambo.
Escobar, Felicia Farr.
Dawdle – no one gives a damnbo.
(Skip they shall your next exambo.)
Terri Garr…-dee-hardee-har-r-r-r…

Light the night with waxen’d flambeau.
Pew the Blind, John Silver (“Har-r-r-r…”).
Puns once spun by Gramp ‘n’ Grambo:
songs of spiral-slicéd hambo,
Izh (the car), Abdul Jabbar.

Make measures dactyl and iambo:
kilobar and lobular.
Let’s get down: a cuttin' jambo.
Not a gram: a kilogrambo!
Mallomar and nebular.

Don’t dare take it on the lambo.
Ottokar the First, Jack Paar.
It takes two to do the mambo;
more to clobber Viet Nambo,
Quigley’s Bar. “Au reservoir!”*

Shun ocarina, oud and oboe.
Streetcars name. Tsar’s underw’ar.
Lull me sleepwards in my prambo:
Blam…? No: quiet. (Thank you, ma’ambo.)
Vinegar…? No. wunderbar!

Sing in rhymes the climes of Rambo,
XAR and Babi Yar.
Songs of PC’d Little Sambo…?
I don’t give a tinker’s damnbo.
Do your worst, O crambo’d star.

Wrap yourself in Uncle Sambo,
Babi Yar and Zonular.
Gently – no hydraulic rambo.
Should you mention Viet Nambo,
I’ll not wonder what you are.

Twinkle, twinkle, Mother Crambo!
You’re for sure my crambo’d star!
Nailing tales with tails in -ambo --
marinara’d leg of lambo --
naming names containing ‘-ar.’

     * "Au revoir," as mockingly 
mispronounced by Lucia and Georgie 
in Benson's Mapp and Lucia novels. 

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