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Saturday, August 31, 2019

My Road is Paved with Apothegms or I Know My Aphs

My road is paved with good intentions.
Whither does it lead…?
My chain can’t hide its weakest link.
Is strength still guaranteed…?
My kitchen’s made for watching pots,
but will the bastards boil…?
I read of “water ev’rywhere,”
but does it mix with oil…?

I sew a stitch. If done in time,
how many might I save…?
I’ve have no clue what miles you took.
An inch was all I gave.
The house I live in’s glass. Should I use
caution throwing stones…?
Are sticks 'n' stones like words…? Do all three
lead to broken bones…?

How distant from the apple tree
do apples tend to fall…?
If sovereign states divide in parts,
how many parts has Gaul…?
My geese all get their share of sauce.
Do ganders, too, partake…?
I have my cake. Have I, as well,
the will to eat that cake…?

Can I arrays of round holes fill
by plugging in square pegs…?
How best to calculate my chickens…?
Count my unhatch’d eggs…?
I meditate on time 'n' tide,
in hopes they’ll wait for me.
What’s there to say about the rest…?
“The rest is history”…?

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