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Thursday, August 15, 2019

McTraitor Traits

Moscow Mitch. Oh, Moscow Mitch.
Why mime you Mother Russia’s bitch?
A puppet-pawn of pink-putz'd guys?
A pol in thrall to Putin’s pitch?

Who motivates you, Moscow Mitch,
to Duma dig? To demos ditch?
To plump for projects penny-wise
and dollar-wise (and ruble-rich!)?

What stimulates you, Moscow Mitch,
the Congress’s mandated niche
(Prez oversight) to char’cterize
as hoax, as huntings of the witch?

What pow’r's allow'd you, Moscow Mitch,
to scratch your monetary itch?
Who lets you, late, “aluminize”
your state, McConnovonovich?

(More treason to follow: a work in progress)

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